Chef’s passion fills stomachs and souls
Only the Bread of Life can satisfy humanity's insatiable appetite
Only the Bread of Life can satisfy humanity's insatiable appetite
The most serious threats to the spiritual well-being of the church come from within, not from the world.
It’s the Light of the Gospel, the Light of Christ, that shines into men’s hearts when they are born again, and it transforms them for all eternity. And it’s that Light that truly is the hope for our nation and for the whole world.”
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.” —Colossians 1:13
Today is International Women’s Day, a 31-day stretch celebrating women. Not only does this day celebrate them, but as Billy Graham once wrote: “Jesus honoured women and made them an important part of His ministry.”
“I am calling on Christians to unite our hearts together in prayer” – Franklin Graham
In a recent Barna study, nearly half of millennial Christians (ages 20-34) responded, “It is wrong to share one’s personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in hopes that they will one day share the same faith.”
Our Heavenly Father so closely identifies with His children that our tears are His. And in response to such loyalty and love, I, in turn, desire to so closely identify with Him—with His grief, His joy, His love, His pain, His blessing, His honor—that His tears are on my face.
In her latest Fearless podcast, Cissie Graham Lynch took time to answer the question from a Biblical perspective, challenging the church to be the ultimate example of unity.
“We are being built together to be a dwelling place for God in the Spirit. We need to gather to do that.”
Your prayers and gifts are bringing hope to the Middle East.