
Find in-depth feature articles and news about various BGEAC ministries, disaster outreach efforts and special events.


‘Saturdays With Billy’: A special friendship

“He always made me feel like I was the important person. … I was watching someone who reflected the Lord Jesus Christ."


R.T. Kendall: Fixing our eyes on God

Our only recourse in the face of godlessness and confusion


John L. Cooper: Armed with truth, grace—and a spine

Let us come together in unity by putting an end to doing what is “right in our own eyes” and begin doing what is right according to God’s Word.


John MacArthur: Right in their own eyes

The idea that everyone should get to define for himself what is right and true is a recipe for disorder and disaster.


Franklin Graham: God’s Word is always true

The Scripture is God’s revelation to man, and it stands as the absolute, unrivaled authority over every domain of life.


UK judge rules in favor of Franklin Graham’s Blackpool Festival

Ruling: Removing ads was the antithesis of how a public authority should behave


Preserving His truth for future generations

“Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you.” – Acts 18:9-10, ESV


A decade of online ministry

“If we’re about proclaiming the Gospel by any effective means possible, we have to be in the digital space because almost every person on the planet now lives and engages socially online.”


A prayer for when life doesn’t make sense

With various crises wreaking havoc and pain in our world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But focusing on our heavenly Father—instead of the storms swirling around us—can fill us with peace and strength for each day.


How can you share the Gospel with Muslims?

During the month of Ramadan, here’s practical insight and guidance on showing your Muslim neighbors the love of Christ.


Decades-long friendship between the Royal Family and Graham family

To honor Prince Philip’s life, here's a look back at his decades-long history with the Graham family


‘I started to weep and sob’

Faith in Christ saves struggling Sudbury man; now he's participating in Will Graham celebration