
Find in-depth feature articles and news about various BGEAC ministries, disaster outreach efforts and special events.


How you can tell people about Jesus along Route 66

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” —Matthew 7:13-14, ESV


LGBTQ Lawsuit threatens religious colleges

Suit asks for removal of religious exemption; results could be devastating


Christian colleges must not waver under pressure

Christian colleges and universities face intensifying pressure to accommodate the LGBTQ agenda.


Biology vs. ideology

A rising chorus is opposing transgender ideology in athletics and school settings


Franklin Graham: Standing strong for Christ

In this day when the immoral pressures of our decadent culture are growing stronger and more belligerent by the moment, it’s encouraging to see those who are standing strong in Christ.


Rapid Response Team chaplains preparing to Help British Columbia Wildfire Victims

As thousands of British Columbia residents flee more than 200 raging wildfires, and hundreds of houses burn to the ground, Billy Graham Rapid Response Teams chaplains are preparing to respond in Jesus’ Name.


Will Graham: Living a good life will not bring people to Christ

This week, Will Graham spoke to staff at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, as well as the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove and Blue Ridge Broadcasting (The Light FM), about proclamation evangelism.


“God is definitely at work here”

Chaplains help bring unity to struggling, isolated community in northern Ontario


Summer Soul Refresher: God will provide

With all the distractions of summer, it’s easy to lose focus on our daily spiritual walk. That’s why Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has created the Summer Soul Refresher, a 5-part series designed to encourage your faith.


Billy Graham Trivia: What did Billy Graham enjoy doing before crusades?

What did Billy Graham enjoy doing in his downtime before Crusades?


Remembering Ruth Bell Graham: 5 endearing & inspirational stories

Ruth Bell Graham seized an otherwise common calling, and walked it out in extraordinary measure.


Summer Soul Refresher on God’s Promises: His unimaginable love

Each summer, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association runs a series of spiritual growth articles we call the Summer Soul Refresher. This year, we’re taking a look at five promises from God. This is part 1.