‘I Was in the Dark, Looking for Light’
Is God calling you to journey online with people like Maria? Millions are searching for peace. Our online Search for Jesus volunteers help them find it in Jesus Christ.
Is God calling you to journey online with people like Maria? Millions are searching for peace. Our online Search for Jesus volunteers help them find it in Jesus Christ.
Life-changing Spiritual Encounters Lead Business Leader to Christ
Northern Canada Tour to Share Christ at Christmas.
“This time was really helpful to realign our calling with what God has asked us to do”
Internet evangelism ministry gave him courage.
Have you ever asked yourself what prayer is? Do you have to pray out loud? Does God really answer prayer?
“God doesn’t change. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
God provided opportunities for BG-RRT chaplains to proclaim the Good News in Ottawa.
Advice and resources on telling someone about Jesus.
He tried to outrun God—but couldn't.
A special recipe to use this summer from Mother Graham
This summer, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is taking a look at how to put on the armor of God.