Which Is More Important: Jesus’ Death or Resurrection?
An Easter devotion from Will Graham.
An Easter devotion from Will Graham.
When Danny Lotz went for a swim—and stepped into eternity—the only thing that mattered was his decision for Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death.
More than 6,000 respond to the Gospel
95-year-old surgeon Jim Foulkes remembers the 1950 Asbury revival. The fire has been burning in his heart for 73 years.
An outpouring of the Holy Spirit on college campuses
"Let’s humble ourselves day by day before our holy God, that He may renew us, and so that we may know the power of the Resurrection."
Grateful Canadian helps others through Search For Jesus online ministry
BGEA's Internet Evangelism ministry is meeting people at the moment they are searching for true peace in their life.
Every year, our church celebrates Palm Sunday, the day when the crowds cheered Jesus as He entered Jerusalem for the last time.
Where Would You Have Been on the First Palm Sunday?
Historic Gospel Ministry in Vietnam