Unprecedented Global Growth
The church worldwide is surging, and people are responding to the Good News in extraordinary numbers.
The church worldwide is surging, and people are responding to the Good News in extraordinary numbers.
How to Turn on the Light in Our Lives for Jesus
God speaks to His servants when He is ready to move. Will you be ready to respond?
Middle Eastern Churches Multiply in Spite of Persecution
Lessons From Japanese Soldier and His Unyielding Faithfulness
God Demands All, No Less
“You get to that place where all of the light has been shut out, and that’s a scary place to be.”
A Conversation With Norman Geisler
A few years ago I received a most interesting letter. It was from a woman who at one time regularly visited our church.
Christians Exhorted to Repent, Awaken to True Obedience
The Four Ways Every Christian Must be Different
Bible Studies with Anne Graham Lotz