God Shouted: And the Universe Leapt Into Existence
Why did God create us? And how should we respond to Him?
Why did God create us? And how should we respond to Him?
God loves you. He wants to forgive you, if you will let Him come into your heart.
Evolutionists on a mission to turn youth against God.
Photo Gallery: Will Graham’s visit retraces great grandparents’ footsteps in Jiangsu province.
Roofing company owners make prayer a priority for business, employees, and customers.
Reaching a higher standard of living.
Decision Magazine: The Quiet Heart
The traditional family, such as shown in the Leave It to Beaver tv series, has become more and more rare in recent decades.
Even a casual evaluation of the world today can lead to utter pessimism. But the Christian has no right to be a pessimist. He knows God and His Son. He know, as a child of God, that the Lord ultimately controls his life.
Bible Study from Anne Graham Lotz
Are you winning in your daily battle with the devil?
Will Graham, grandson of Billy Graham, shares his thoughts about the upcoming Gospel celebrations in China, where his grandfather preached nearly 100 years ago.