A Fort McMurray resident encounters God’s love again
Rapid Response Team chaplains offer emotional and spiritual support in the Name of Jesus Christ to those who have been affected by the wildfires in Fort McMurray.
Rapid Response Team chaplains offer emotional and spiritual support in the Name of Jesus Christ to those who have been affected by the wildfires in Fort McMurray.
Husband and wife come to faith at BGEA Crusade, lead others to Christ
Rapid Response Team chaplains pray with Samaritan’s Purse volunteers before heading out to help residents of Fort McMurray AB.
Billy Graham Congress will bring together Christians passionate about innovative outreach
God is using the platforms of young 'Duck Dynasty' stars for His glory as they live boldly before their generation.
What are the challenges Christian college students face on a secular campus? Apologist and Oxford professor Os Guinness offers perspective.
A confused, insecure generation looks to the world for answers. Will they see the Light before it's too late?
Joseph Bondarenko was born and raised in the Soviet Union, under the heel of atheism—a religion of violence and cruelty.
Christ's lead-in to a greater understanding of our need for Him was to explain thirst as unrest. Where is your source of peace? Of strength?
Billy Graham was making headlines by the time he was 30 years old. But God used him profoundly, years prior to his fame.
God may allow our prayers to be resisted. They may be timely, but keep pressing into God until they are triumphant. Heaven is listening and applauding.
Within God's will, the believer can live boldly and fearlessly.