
Find in-depth feature articles and news about various BGEAC ministries, disaster outreach efforts and special events.


Will Graham Brings Good News of Jesus Christ to Grand Falls-Windsor, Canada

Continuing a family legacy of preaching the Gospel in Canada, Will Graham is sharing the hope of Jesus on Nov. 5-6 in the eastern corner of the country.


Forty Newfoundland children accept Jesus as their Savior in Grand Falls-Windsor

The Grand Falls-Windsor Celebration of Hope kicked off on Saturday with Kidzfest, a fun and engaging evangelistic program just for little ones.


Billy Graham chaplains offer emotional support in Ontario

Rapid Response Team chaplains share Christ’s love and compassion with Windsor, Tecumseh flood victims


The Testing of Tim Tebow

The famed Heisman Trophy winner has had public ups and downs. But through it all, he has relied on his Constant.


Proclaiming and Equipping

Newfoundland and Labrador Christians eagerly await Celebration of Hope outreach events.


The Modesto Manifesto: A Declaration of Biblical Integrity

Billy Graham and his team members knew there would be human and supernatural opposition to their ministry. And here's something they did about it.


Cape Breton storm victims receive visit from Billy Graham Ministries

Billy Graham Ministries has sent a group of its chaplains to the Cape Breton Regional Municipality to help with flood recovery efforts.


News Release: Billy Graham chaplains supporting victims of Cape Breton floods

Specially trained volunteers travelling to Nova Scotia to provide compassionate support


Billy Graham chaplains supporting victims of Cape Breton floods

Specially trained volunteer chaplains providing compassionate support in Cape Breton


Billy Graham chaplains supporting victims of southern Ontario floods

Specially trained volunteers in southern Ontario providing compassionate support


Billy Graham Quotes: Thankfulness

“Even when life may be difficult, we should thank God for all He does for us—which we do not deserve.” Read more quotes by Billy Graham.


Our Spiritual Walls Must Be Rebuilt

God will do His good work. Will we do ours?