Lies About Creation
The consequences of believing in random, naturalistic evolution are grave.
The consequences of believing in random, naturalistic evolution are grave.
We dare not tamper with the meaning and purpose of marriage. If we do, we tamper with the foundations of society.
Rely on God and experience His strength when you are weak, His peace when you are worried, and His resurrection power when you are weary.
“It is the duty of every child of God to so live that he may confirm the witness of Christ. We should labor to do it in all the common things of daily life: ‘Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.’”
Vancouver resident Pauline Murray gave her life to Christ more than 30 years ago, with the help of a volunteer counselor, at a Billy Graham Crusade at BC Place. This March, Pauline returned the favor at the Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham at Rogers Arena.
Churches, Christians finding innovative ways to use My Hope DVD ministry for evangelism
It’s critical that the church responds with the Gospel to a dying, hurting, deceived world.
Jesus is the embodiment of all truth. And the Truth will set you free.
Discovery of a toilet on an ancient pagan site is consistent with Old Testament accounts of Hebrew purging of idols.
Franklin Graham simply delivered the message. The Holy Spirit took it from there and nearly 2,000 people's hearts were changed in Vancouver.
By the end of it all, tens of thousands had attended the Greater Vancouver Festival of Hope, packing out the Rogers Arena for three straight nights.
Read stories from the Greater Vancouver Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham, which took place March 3-5, 2017 at Rogers Arena.