The Resurrection: The capstone of Christianity
The glorious event that validates the claims of Christ.
The glorious event that validates the claims of Christ.
Bible study from Anne Graham Lotz
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s volunteer Rapid Response Team chaplains provide crucial emotional support to medical personnel who have served at the Samaritan’s Purse emergency field hospital in Iraq.
Father Douglas Al Bazi has been shot, kidnapped, tortured, but the love of God propels him, particularly when he considers the plight of his people.
God uses Billy Graham booklet to transform the life of searching Canadian woman.
“I felt that God must be so much bigger than a statue in a temple. Much bigger than a guru.”
Billy Graham Classics are shown on YES TV in Alberta and Ontario. Countless viewers have made commitments to Christ during a Billy Graham Classics program over the last few decades.
For the Geske family, following Jesus cost the life of their dad and husband. Yet God has proven faithful.
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in us.
As you enjoy your Easter celebration, please take time to appreciate Christ’s perfect sacrifice – the purifying final act that took away judgment for those who call on His name. What a joy to place our eternal hope in Him!
You can have life and live more abundantly. And you don’t have to wait until you get to Heaven to get this spiritual life.
Vancouver has been changed by the Gospel! The Greater Vancouver Festival of Hope took place at Rogers Arena on March 3-5, 2017.