God's Word can free you from the penalty and power of sin.
God's Word can free you from the penalty and power of sin.
Distorting the Truth
Christians must be ready to face the coming storm.
Morden Chaplain shares ministry with Dauphin residents following bus crash.
BGEA of Canada co-hosts prayer summits in four provinces.
Chaplains pray with Manitoba residents after tragic bus accident.
Chaplains spend a week ministering to hurting Dauphin, Manitoba residents.
Are you finding the happiness you’re free to pursue, or has your American Dream become a nightmare?
Canadian BG-RRT chaplains train European Christians to minister to traumatized Ukrainian refugees
Believers in the Okanagan Region unite in prayer and worship in anticipation of Look Up Tour outreach event coming in October.
Crisis-trained Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains are in Dauphin, Manitoba, after a terrifying bus crash left 15 people dead and 10 in hospital.