Chaplains respond to Florida school shooting
Pray for all who are devastated after deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Pray for all who are devastated after deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
What would you do if you knew you had only 20 minutes to live?
"I didn’t know what the night had in store, but I was excited."
Thousands filled the stadium, as well as an extended area outside, to hear about Jesus in northern Vietnam.
Billy fell in love with Ruth at first sight and knew this was the girl he would marry.
This is the month that we celebrate love, and sending Valentines is a very traditional way to celebrate. Who will you send a Valentine to this year? And who will be sending one to you? In the first century, the church at Ephesus received a love letter from Jesus that could be thought of as a Valentine...
Ash Wednesday evokes the past, encourages us to focus on the present, and points us toward an inspiring future.
Guitar virtuoso Dennis Agajanian still has a passion for evangelism.
The Bible lists nine fruits of the Spirit. Each one can help us grow in our relationship with God.
This message comes from a sermon preached by Billy Graham on May 23, 1957, during his historic New York Crusade.
Three poems for different stages in love and marriage.
The Eagles' back-up QB was quick to give glory to God as he took in a victorious moment the city of Philadelphia has been waiting for since 1933.