Franklin Graham: The most important thing my father taught me
"Not only do I miss him now, but I believe I will miss him every day until the day I see him again—in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Not only do I miss him now, but I believe I will miss him every day until the day I see him again—in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Please pray for the Festival of Hope that will take place this weekend in Lisbon, Portugal.
World-renowned musician and BGEA Crusade pianist strives to bring people into the presence of God with his music.
“What then shall I do with Jesus?”
Experience the stories of Scripture while exploring the incredible sights of the Holy Land through this Easter devotional series with the Graham family.
Moviegoers will see the struggles Zamperini faced after the war and how one night at a Billy Graham Crusade changed his life forever.
U.S.-based chaplains will be present to offer emotional and spiritual care in two cities hit with widespread storm damage.
Billy Graham's grandson explains why you don't need to fear death—and how you can actually look at it as a friend.
Debilitating disease doesn’t stop Rick Poltaruk from ministry work
"The truth about God is known to people by instinct," Mr. Graham once preached from Los Angeles.
There's only one worldview that sees clearly, rightly and rejoices the heart for eternity.
In a photo from a 1958 Billy Graham Crusade, Banks spotted his wife Katy standing in the crowd.