
Find in-depth feature articles and news about various BGEAC ministries, disaster outreach efforts and special events.


Decision America volunteer sees 94-year-old mother accept Christ

"I think differently than I've thought before." Read how this family saw the faithfulness of God.


Summer soul refresher: Whatever is honorable

Honoring others above ourselves doesn't always come easy. Take a closer look at the word "honor" to transform your relationship with God and others.


Billy Graham on confusing evil with good

Man without God is a contradiction, a paradox, a monstrosity.


The opioid epidemic is ‘every single Christian’s problem’

And making a difference isn't as hard as you might think.


God works through chaplains to bring comfort, salvation to B.C., New Brunswick flood victims

More than 1,400 residents and volunteers were prayed with during disaster deployments


Celebration in Rankin Inlet reminds woman of 1978 Crusade

50 years ago, Mary Fredlund attended a Billy Graham Crusade in Toronto. Now, Billy's grandson is coming to her town.


Substitute preacher: The time Billy Graham filled in at a small church when the pastor didn’t show

In February 1969, Billy Graham was put to work while he attempted to take a vacation. And he seemed to get a kick out of it.


Summer soul refresher: Whatever is true

How to focus on the truth: Part 1 of a six-week series meant to renew your mind, refresh your soul and reinvigorate your walk with God.


Why are young people leaving the church?

Message from Pastor David Overholt


TV crusade transforms Newfoundland man’s life

Gord Young: From government ministry to church ministry


June Daily Devotional: Week 4

Reading through Psalms and Proverbs in one month by following the format Billy Graham used.


Religious liberty in the balance

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 for Colorado baker Jack Phillips, stating the Colorado Civil Rights Commission held an anti-religious bias toward him.