More than 67,000 DVDs have been distributed; 11,750 churches participating, with many planning film showings in the lead up to Easter
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) reports that an unprecedented 11,750 churches, representing nearly a quarter of all churches in the UK, have requested a free copy of the My Hope UK with Billy Graham film called “The Cross.” With over 67,000 copies of the DVD already having been distributed, additional requests continue to come in daily.
As churches throughout the country have seized on this powerful resource to reach out to their communities with a message of hope, thousands of showings of the film have already taken place with many more events being planned in the weeks leading up to Easter.
Steve Rhoads, Global Vice President of the My Hope with Billy Graham initiative, says, “There has never been a greater need for the Gospel, to offer hope to a world that has no answers. It is only in the cross of Jesus Christ that the deepest needs of the heart are met. We are privileged to work with churches all across the UK to present this powerful and profound message of the cross.”
The film “The Cross” is a free resource for churches, individuals and organizations to use in offering a message of hope in their communities. In addition to a message from Billy Graham, “The Cross” also features powerful real-life stories of faith from Grammy award-winning and US chart-topping rap artist, Lecrae, and platinum-selling rock singer Lacey Sturm.
“What better way than for Billy Graham himself to inspire the church to have a renewed passion and urgency for the Gospel being preached?” said Glyn Barrett, pastor of !Audacious Church in Manchester. His church held an event earlier this year to show “The Cross.” More than 1,500 saw the film, inspiring 270 to follow Jesus.
Sixty years ago, Billy Graham addressed the UK on television in a special Good Friday message also titled “The Cross.” It was the first time a live broadcast from a Billy Graham meeting was attempted. At the time, reports indicated it was surpassed in viewership only by the Coronation, as it was viewed by 10 million and heard by countless more on radio.
“We are seeing God continue to work through the messages of Billy Graham in the 21st century,” added Rhoads. “Our prayer is that this new film ‘The Cross’ will be shown during Holy Week in every village, town and city. We pray that the name of Jesus Christ, and His death and glorious resurrection, will be proclaimed across the whole of the UK.”
About My Hope
Beginning in 2002, My Hope has been implemented in 60 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East. More than 305,000 churches and 4 million homes have participated and more than 10 million salvation and rededication decisions for Jesus Christ have been recorded. “The Cross,” was first shown in the U.S. in 2013. Churches and individuals have used the films in church services, small groups, local movie theaters, prisons, rescue missions, youth groups and more.
About the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Globally the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by every effective means available. From its headquarters in Charlotte, N.C., the BGEA directs a wide range of domestic and international ministries.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association UK office opened in 1960 not long after Billy Graham first visited the UK in 1954. BGEA UK is committed to proclaiming the message of Jesus through a broad range of regional, national and international ministries using methods and language that inspire, whatever the age group or culture. To achieve our mission, we join with local churches and Christian communities in the UK forging lasting partnerships to bring the Good News of Jesus through both word and deed.
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