One last chance.
After seven events across three cities, the Big Sky Celebration came to a close Sunday night in Great Falls, Montana.
As Will Graham presented the Gospel one more time, the 1,600 people gathered for the final event had one more opportunity to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
“You may never have another chance like this,” he said. “This is the most important decision you’ll ever make in life, and you need to make it now.”
The evangelist’s visit to Montana started last weekend in Helena, paused for a mid-week event in Hamilton and concluded with a truly celebratory finale in Great Falls.
All in all, more than 12,000 people heard the Good News in person, with thousands more watching online from around the world. And, just as local believers had prayed, hundreds of lives were transformed by that message.
Just in the Nick of Time
Jack Anderegg almost missed his chance. Out of town for the majority of the weekend, the 20-year-old couldn’t make it to the Celebration Friday or Saturday.
But in God’s perfect timing, his family returned to Great Falls Sunday afternoon—mere hours before the final event began. And in God’s providence, Will Graham’s message about brokenness was just what Jack’s hurting heart needed to hear.
Referencing the book of 1 Samuel, Will Graham explained how people who lay their burdens at the foot of the cross can have peace—even in the midst of difficult times.
“God knows everything that’s going on in your heart, and He’s not blind to it,” Graham assured those listening. “I think that’s why you’re here tonight.
“Maybe God is using this brokenness in your life to drive you to Him.”
That reassurance, that God has a plan for his life—and his pain—struck Jack in a new way. When it came time to respond to the message, he walked forward to lay his own burdens at Jesus’ feet.
“I haven’t been happy for a long time,” said a tearful Jack from the front of the stage.

Joining him in support were his parents. They became believers about 20 years ago, and they’ve been praying the Big Sky Celebration would help their son experience the peace they’d found in Christ.
“I asked him to come tonight, with no expectation other than for him to hear God’s Word,” Mrs. Anderegg explained, pausing as tears started streaming down her face. “He’s been lost for awhile. I pray for him every day, multiple times a day.”
Several others came up to embrace their new brother in Christ—quite literally.
“Welcome, my friend,” Gary Hart said as he enveloped Jack in a hug.
The trained prayer counselor knew the young man before the event—his daughter is a friend of Jack’s. Knowing the pain of Jack’s past makes Gary all the more excited to see what’s ahead for this young follower of Christ. And he’s looking forward to being a part of that journey.
“God intended us to grow in the context of relationship,” said the Great Falls pastor. “As Jack begins this journey, it’ll be great to get him connected with people that love God.”
In the coming days, local believers will connect with every person that walked forward at the Big Sky Celebration events in Helena, Hamilton and Great Falls. With the same passion these individuals poured into preparing for the evangelistic outreach, they’ll now welcome and disciple new believers.
“You’re joining a family,” said Pastor Ray Larson on Sunday. “This is a new beginning for all of us as a family, the family of God.”
Do you feel alone? You’re welcome in the family of God.
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