The following is a message from Mary Rowe, prayer coordinator for the Avalon Celebration of Hope, reflecting on the Momentum Citywide Prayer Meeting which was held on September 28 in Newfoundland.
The Momentum prayer meeting at the Basilica in St. John’s was a night beyond our expectations. To be in this beautiful structure, where people for 150 years have come to worship God was inspiring in itself.
Hundreds of people from every faith community united together in one heart to sing “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.” The presence of God filled the church.
We were challenged to pray fervently over the next 35 days for our lost families, friends and neighbours. These are the last days of the battle and we need to be persistent. When we pray, God hears and answers. He will enable them to see with their eyes, to hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts.
We were encouraged to step out in boldness and zeal to invite people to “come”. God is saying “whom shall I send ” and He is waiting for us to respond “here I am send me.” When we do, we can expect miracles!
We all left rejoicing and praising God for the many who will come to salvation at the Celebration of Hope.
“The fields are white for harvest.” – John 4:35
Learn more about the Avalon Celebration of Hope and join in the work God is doing through your donations and prayers. You can pray for the Celebration every day using this 35 Days of Prayer Guide!
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