>> View photos from the Halifax Evangelism Summit
The last day of the Canadian Evangelism Summit takes place Oct. 20 in Toronto, featuring key speakers from across Canada and around the world to inspire and challenge us in evangelism.
For more details, or to register, see BillyGraham.ca/evangelism-summit.
As he shepherds his church plant near Halifax, Pastor Brent Haas took a day to be inspired, equipped and challenged at the second of three Canadian Evangelism Summits.
“A day like today is like gas on the fire,” said the 34-year-old transplanted Newfoundlander who served as co-chairperson of the 2016 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Celebration of Hope with Will Graham.
“That gas only makes the fire of evangelism greater and more contagious,” he said enthusiastically.
Pastor Haas and almost 400 more church leaders and Christians with a passion for sharing their faith gathered Oct. 18 at the Halifax Convention Centre for worship, prayer, and encouragement.

“Whatever We Do, Let’s Do it Together”
Canadian singer/songwriter Brooke Nicholls led worship, while valuable messages came from Will Graham, U.K. evangelist Amy Orr-Ewing; speaker, author and radio host Dr. Crawford Loritts; U.K. church leader Dr. Hugh Osgood; Canadian evangelist David Macfarlane; and Toronto speaker and author Dr. Charles Price.
Dr. Osgood focused on Christian unity as a vital component of sharing the Gospel, noting “It’s not just the big churches that achieve. We all need each other to work with enthusiasm. Whatever we do, let’s do it together.”
Pastor Haas has already seen that goal lived out, noting “we’ve been poured into by neighboring churches—even outside our denomination. Now, we’re looking at ways to help other church plants.”
Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing spoke about defending the Gospel in a world fixated on gender fluidity, cancel culture, and other trends that are directly opposed to God’s truth.

Speaking the Truth
It’s also a topic for Franklin Graham who, in a recent Decision Magazine column, wrote “How tragic it is that schools are teaching impressionable young children that it’s acceptable to dress and act like a different gender than was given to them by God.
“Not only are they told it’s acceptable, but they actually are encouraged to transition. This is such a lie from the pit of hell, and it’s devastating to those who buy into its perverted logic.”
To this challenge, Dr. Orr-Ewing told the Halifax audience that “if you feel overwhelmed by this world, there is no barrier too great for our God to overcome. Be encouraged that He has put you here for the defence of the Gospel.”
Pastor Haas called Dr. Orr-Ewing’s message “some really timely words, whether you’re a pastor or just attending the Summit.”
The third and final Canadian Evangelism Summit is Thursday, Oct. 20 at Church on the Queensway in Toronto. Speakers include Hugh Osgood, Charles Price, Amy Orr-Ewing, David Macfarlane, Crawford Loritts, and Vancouver pastor and Alpha Youth Film Series Host Jason Ballard.
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