Unseasonably cold temperatures and pouring rain at several stops didn’t prevent thousands of people from hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ during the recent God Loves You Tidewater Tour. Friends like you prayed that men, women, and children in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina would surrender their lives to the Lord during the tour—and we praise God that hundreds of them did just that.
Over and over again, we heard stories of how the Lord worked at each event in La Plata, Timonium, Elkton, and Salisbury, Maryland; Portsmouth, Virginia; and Edenton, North Carolina. Minnie* volunteered as a prayer team member during the second stop in Timonium. She prayed with two women in their 60s who were surrendering their lives to the Lord. “They were so happy,” she said, “filled with joy and all about Jesus.” She gave both women discipleship materials so they can deepen their new relationship with Him.
In Elkton, Maryland, I shared the parable of the prodigal son from Luke 15—and urged the crowd to come home to the loving arms of our Father. When I gave the invitation, 6-year-old Paisley* and her mom both prayed to receive Jesus Christ. One of our volunteers gave them discipleship resources and showed them how to get involved at a local church.

During our time in Elkton, I had the chance to meet two men who are standing boldly for Jesus Christ as they serve in local government positions. Both shared that they decided to get involved in leadership in their communities because of messages they heard through our ministry. I was so grateful that they served as volunteers during the tour—and deeply touched to hear about the impact they’re having in Jesus’ Name.
“One of the first things that I did when I came into office was to bring prayer back,” one of them told us. “We ended up starting with prayer at all of our town events. So if you don’t think you can, do it! Get out there and get involved in your community.”
In Salisbury, Maryland, when I invited the crowd to respond to the Good News in repentance and faith, Cathie* boldly stood. Right away, she connected with one of our prayer volunteers, Ethel, who turned out to be a friend of a friend. After Cathie said a heartfelt prayer, Ethel gave her a brand-new Bible and discipleship resources. “Happy birthday,” Ethel said. “You now have a spiritual birthday!”
In Virginia, thousands heard the Gospel in Portsmouth. Many stood as soon as I gave the invitation—but 16-year-old Maddie* was hesitant. She stayed in her seat as she prayed to receive Jesus Christ, but then she locked eyes with one of our prayer team volunteers. “I accepted Christ,” Maddie said as the two walked toward each other. Our volunteer prayed for her and talked to her mom—already a believer—who was crying tears of joy.

The God Loves You Tidewater Tour ended in Edenton, North Carolina, a town with a population under 5,000—but we praise God that more than 7,500 people from across the region heard the Good News! I was grateful for the opportunity to watch hundreds make decisions for Jesus Christ in my home state, including Shauna,* who walked to the event. She was desperate for hope—and she found it in the Gospel. She talked to one of our prayer volunteers about how difficult her life had been. Abuse and suicidal thoughts had burdened her for years. Now, she was eager to embrace salvation in Jesus Christ and “the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance” (Ephesians 1:18, NLT).
Will you pray for each of these new believers—and for the many men and women who will continue ministering to them? Please ask God to give these Christians wisdom as they disciple and guide these brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Ministry in Poland
We’ve invited thousands of pastors and leaders from evangelical churches all across the region to an evangelism summit in Krakow, Poland. We want to encourage and help equip these men and women to boldly share the Gospel while we still can. Many of the attendees will also be refugees from Ukraine, and all of the material will be translated into both Polish and Ukrainian. Please pray for these leaders.
In the coming months, my son Will and I have a full schedule of preaching the Gospel in cities around the globe. He is holding evangelistic Celebrations in Moldova and Brazil this summer, and a Look Up Tour in Thompson-Okanagan, British Columbia, this October. I’m preparing to hold a Crusade in London this August before sharing the Good News in Germany and Rome this fall. Will you pray that many people will put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ at each of these events?
Thank you for your heart for evangelism. Together, we “are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27, NASB). May the Lord richly bless you.
Franklin Graham
President & CEO
Hearts are Open in the Okanagan
Pastor Jerry vividly remembers watching a wildfire race toward his small community near Vernon, British Columbia, in 2021. From the opposite bank of Okanagan Lake, he recalls the acrid black smoke of burning homes—72 of them were near his church.
Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains deployed in the aftermath, serving alongside Jerry’s church to walk with residents through their grief.
Nearly two years later, the recovery continues. “We are praying that the community might be healed,” Jerry said. He knows how much his neighbors need the healing found in Christ alone.
For him, the Look Up Tour with Will Graham, which is coming in October, is another opportunity to point others to Jesus. “I’m looking forward to revival,” Jerry told us. “We’ve seen an influx of people in our church searching for answers they haven’t found in the world.”
That answer is the Gospel.
“Scripture is full of examples of when people get into trouble, their hearts are open,” he continued. “We’ve had our share of troubles. So, to have Will Graham come is a great joy to me.”
Jerry knows what God can do through the united prayer of churches and the preaching of the Good News. He participated in Billy Graham’s 1985 Anaheim, California, Crusade and several smaller outreaches in Alberta. “I see the Crusades as seed planting … it’s something the church can do together,” he said. “Is there a spiritual hunger for that? Oh yeah.”
As friends and partners, you play a vital role in this proclamation of the Gospel in the Okanagan and across Canada. Visit WillGraham.ca to see how you can pray and come alongside believers there.
“We are told in Scripture to be ready to give an account,” Jerry said. “I think the world is demanding that of Christians. Before, the world said, ‘I don’t want to listen.’ But now, the world is asking more, “What is the reason for your faith?’
“This will be a time to be accountable for our faith.”
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy
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