Mike* and Jane* were struggling amid a terminal cancer diagnosis when Hurricane Fiona struck. In late September, the violent storm tore across their Prince Edward Island home and left them with the massive task of cleaning up the damage. They were overwhelmed.
That’s when two Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains visited. Because of prayers and support like yours, they were there to listen and share the hope found only in Jesus.
Mike and Jane used to attend church when they were first married almost 50 years ago, but they told our chaplains they had no family or church community to help them through the pain and fear of Mike’s illness and the hurricane’s devastating aftermath.
Sensing an opportunity to reveal the truth, the chaplain told Mike that “religions are man-made, but Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you.” Mike wanted to hear more, and he listened as the chaplain led him through our “Steps to Peace With God” booklet.
“I feel like a new person!”
By the time she finished, Mike understood that “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, NIV). With this life-transforming knowledge, and a newfound sense of excitement, Mike repented and prayed to receive Jesus as Lord!
A few minutes later, the chaplain asked him how he was feeling and Mike said, “I feel like a new person!” Praise God!
Meanwhile, our other chaplain was talking with Jane. The chaplain’s husband had died of cancer so she could relate to Jane as a caregiver.
That common ground opened a way for Jane to hear the Gospel through “Steps to Peace With God” as well. As the pair read the booklet, the chaplain explained that Jesus has a plan and a purpose for Jane.
Jane’s excitement grew as they read Scripture verses in the booklet. Jane was ready to commit her life to Christ, and she took the booklet from the chaplain, praying out loud in repentance and faith. The chaplain’s heart overflowed with joy as she and Jane prayed together for healing and comfort.
We thank the Lord that, by the time the two-month Prince Edward Island deployment ended, more than 30 BG-RRT chaplains ministered to almost 1,000 residents, volunteers, and first responders. God used those e orts— and the support of our Canadian donors—to bring almost 20 people to faith in His Son!
*Names changed for privacy
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