May 2023
Over the course of just a couple months, God answered your prayers and drew thousands of men, women, and children to Himself during Festivals in Mexico and Vietnam. Both of these outreaches represent years of preparation. I’m so grateful for what the Lord did in these cities—and for the partnership of friends like you.
In February, we had the opportunity to share the Gospel in Mexico City. This is one of the largest, most diverse cities in the Western Hemisphere. More than 6,000 people reported decisions for Jesus Christ during the two-day Festival. Just a few weeks later, another 4,000 men, women, and children told us they made life-changing decisions for the Lord in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Will you pray for each of these new believers? Ask the Lord to help them “be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us” (Ephesians 5:1–2, ESV).
As I write I’m preparing to share the Good News with people in six cities across Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina during the God Loves You Tidewater Tour. In July, my son Will is planning to preach in Moldova before holding evangelistic events in Brazil and Idaho in September. Just a few weeks after these Celebrations, I’ll preach the Gospel in Essen, Germany, and in November, I’m holding a Festival in Rome, Italy.
Thank you again for your partnership in proclaiming the Good News that “the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever” (Psalm 117:2, ESV).
May God richly bless you,
Franklin Graham
Introducing a Friend

Huy* is a taxi driver who brought guests to the Spring Love Festival in Ho Chi Minh City during both nights of the outreach. Despite having a Buddha statue in his car, he regularly told riders that it was just a good luck symbol and that he wasn’t religious. During both services, Huy parked his car outside the stadium and listened carefully to the message Franklin preached. He was deeply touched by the Gospel and he wanted to talk to one of our counselors—but he couldn’t leave his car. A few days after the Festival ended, Huy made plans to meet with his friend Tung—a Christian who had volunteered at the event—at the hotel where Tung works. Tung listened to Huy and used Scripture to answer his questions. There in the hotel lobby, Huy said he was ready to surrender his life to the Lord and prayed to receive Him in repentance and faith! We praise God for Huy’s new faith—and for Tung’s willingness to witness to his friend.
Something to Live For
Hope was exactly what Carmen* was looking for when she walked to the front at Franklin’s invitation during the Esperanza (Hope) CDMX Festival in Mexico City. At just 17 years old, she was already filled with despair. When she met Liza,* a local Christian and one of our prayer counselors, she opened up immediately. Carmen explained that her father was sick, and she “wanted something to live for.” She had followed along carefully with the Gospel message, and she was ready to surrender her heart and her life to the Lord. Liza listened compassionately to Carmen’s concerns, then stood by her as she prayed to receive Jesus Christ. Although many of her fears were relieved when she realized the magnitude of the decision she had just made, she was worried about how she would grow in her new faith. Liza assured Carmen that they would stay in touch with one another and that she would help her find discipleship and fellowship at a local church.
‘I Saw How God Delivers’

Both days of Esperanza CDMX Festival, hundreds of people lined up hours before the arena doors opened—including a man who was dressed as a woman, wearing lipstick and going by the name Lorena.* “This is the first time I will be attending a Christian event,” he told one of our team members. He was working as a male prostitute and was invited to the Festival while on the streets. “I don’t know what the event is about, but I’m interested,” he said. “They told me that here, they will pray for those who have anxiety and sadness, so that’s why I wanted to come.” That night, the service began with FestiKids, which featured a play for children that dramatizes how Jesus Christ rescues people from sin, and then Franklin offered a clear presentation of the Gospel. “There are many of you here tonight, and you do not have a relationship with God,” Franklin said. “Is there an emptiness in your life? Is your life in a mess? … Whatever your problem, I want you to know that Jesus Christ is the answer.”
Those who made decisions for Christ received a copy of the New Testament in their native tongue, along with our booklet Living in Christ, so they can grow closer to the Lord.
When Franklin invited the crowd to respond to the Gospel, the man who had called himself Lorena went forward immediately. With two counselors by his side, he prayed to surrender his life to Jesus Christ. Later, walking on the street with two members of a local church and no longer wearing lipstick, he described his experience. “I saw the [FestiKids] play, and I saw myself in it,” he said. “I saw how God delivers, and after that, how the enemy comes to steal our peace and joy. … I’m very happy to receive these gifts,” he said, holding up the Scripture portion and Living in Christ booklet that were given to those who responded to the invitation.
They Boldly Embraced the Gospel Together
More than 300 churches participated in the Spring Love Festival with Franklin Graham in Ho Chi Minh City. The Festival was a historic event for the nation—it marked the first time an evangelistic outreach with a foreign speaker was held outside of a religious holiday like Christmas or Easter. Thanh* was among the believers who brought loved ones to the Festival to hear the Gospel. She came with her church, her teenage son, and 10 of his friends. All 11 of them followed along closely with the Good News that “God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9, ESV). When Franklin gave the invitation to respond to the Gospel, the teens all walked forward and prayed to receive Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. They were given copies of the New Testament along with our discipleship booklet Living in Christ in their native language. “I feel joyful,” Thanh said. She shared that she knew her church would help them grow closer to the Lord.

God works through people like you to change the world by the power of the Gospel.
PRAY: You are a part of the life-changing work of Gospel proclamation through your prayers. Please ask God to draw people to Himself in each area where we hold Festival and Celebration events.
GIVE: It is only through the generosity of friends like you that we can continue reaching people far from God with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Your support helps share life-changing hope with spiritually hungry people in cities on five continents, including cities across North America.
*Names and photos in testimonies changed to protect privacy
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