You’ve seen the headlines about military attacks and spiralling political conflict. It can all be scary and unnerving. Some days it seems the threats and violence are only getting worse, with no end in sight.
With all the civil unrest going on, is another war inevitable?
Whether you’re angry, anxiously bracing for what’s next or just sick of all the fighting, remember this:
Jesus Christ has already won the battle between good and evil. “In the world, you will have tribulation,” He tells us in the Bible. “But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He overcame the evil in the world when He died for the sins of humanity, giving us inner peace when we put our faith in Him.
There’s always going to be wickedness because of the sin inside us, yet we don’t have to be afraid. When Jesus Christ is in our lives, He is always with us. Whether it’s persecution and suffering or death and devastation—no matter how much bad news you may hear, He has the final say.
Yes, the world is broken. Yes, we have destruction, violence and endless battles. But you can have peace through it all—a lasting peace stronger than any fear or anxiety that comes your way. Why not trust the One who knows everything, even the things we can’t understand?
Find peace today.
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