What should I do? God, is that really you? Send me a sign.
At some point in our lives, we’ve all had questions like this. You may even be asking some of them now.
We each have an innate desire to know we’re making the right decisions and headed in the right direction. But, how can you be sure of what “right” is? How can you know when God is truly speaking to you? What does He even sound like? What if it seems like God isn’t speaking at all?
Hearing from God and following His will doesn’t have to be so complex.
Once you grasp God’s love for you and how He wants to be involved in your life, you can begin to hear His still small voice and see His hand in your everyday dealings.
Read and share these three resources about hearing God’s voice to grow closer to Him and find peace in knowing He’s there for you.
How can I know God’s will and when He’s speaking?
>> Read a message from Billy Graham about God’s will.
Does God speak to people in a voice they can hear?
>> Read Billy Graham’s answer on hearing from God.
Learn to discern God’s truth vs. falsehood.
>> Start Anne Graham Lotz’s Bible study, “How to Know God’s Voice.”
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