Q. How can I share the hope of Jesus with others right now?
A. We are currently at the intersection of a few very important realities.
First, many people are facing fear and hopelessness. They are afraid because the things to which they cling (their money, relationships, jobs and health, for instance) have been proven to be temporary and unreliable.
Second, people who are used to being busy suddenly have time on their hands. This has allowed them to slow down and begin considering spiritual questions they had not previously entertained. Is there more to life than this? Is there a heaven and a hell? Is God real? In a vacuum of doubt, they are searching for truth.
Finally, thanks to technology, we live in an interconnected society. Without ever leaving the house, we can use social media and online communications to reach each other in a way that is unprecedented in human history.
As follower of Jesus, whose eternity has been secured through your faith in Him, I would encourage you to pray about how you can use those realities to spread the light of Jesus in a dark world. Offer to chat with any of your friends who are fearful. Post a basic question asking if any of your friends would be interested in discussing death and eternity, and then share your Biblical view of faith in Christ. To borrow from Esther 4:14, “who knows whether you have come … for such a time as this?” (NKJV). Perhaps this moment in eternity is the reason that you and an old friend have reconnected?
And don’t worry about having all of the answers. Find confidence in Luke 12:12, which says, “For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”
Make yourself prayerfully available, and allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to provide answers in a time when most only have questions.
More Q&As from Will Graham:
- What good can come from COVID-19?
- How can I face my fear of this virus?
- What should I be doing while I’m stuck at home?
- How should I pray during this outbreak?
- Should the faithful heed COVID-19 warnings?
- Why did God allow this global pandemic to happen?
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