Your prayers and gifts are reaching people across Canada and the United States with the hope and truth of Jesus Christ.
We are humbled at how God is transforming lives through the Gospel TV spots and prayer line ministry, and we give Him all the glory for the more than 8,000 who called to let us know they made decisions for Christ through this outreach in 2021. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23, ESV)!
Patrick* was one of these lives. He phoned in to say, “I don’t know why I called.” He saw the spot on television and felt a sense of comfort from the message. He shared that he needed guidance in his life, and our staff member shared more about the Good News with him. Patrick asked how he could make Jesus Lord of his life, and with help from our representative, he prayed to repent and surrender his life to Christ, crying as he prayed. Then he said, “That’s the most incredible prayer I’ve ever heard!”
Thank you for giving and praying so that people like Patrick can have real, lasting peace through Jesus Christ. Together with you, we do “it all for the sake of the gospel ” (1 Corinthians 9:23, ESV).
May God richly bless you,
Franklin Graham
He thought Heaven was out of reach for him
When Peter* saw one of Franklin’s spots on TV, he called the number on the screen. “I never have heard or even thought about God or anything that Jesus had done on the cross,” he said. As our representative told him about Jesus Christ, the cross, and God’s way of salvation, Peter showed great interest—and great reluctance as well. He thought Heaven was out of reach for him, because of the bad things he had done. As the representative shared about the grace of God and complete forgiveness, Peter began crying. When asked if he would like to accept this free gift of salvation, without hesitation he replied, “Yes!” Peter prayed to surrender his life to Christ. Pray for Peter as he begins his new life with the Lord, and ask God to direct him to a local church through our online locator tool—so he can grow to maturity and become a disciple-maker himself in his community.
From grief to grace
Anna* heard Franklin share the Good News in a Gospel spot at a low point in her life. Her mother had passed away in July, and she was grieving the loss. When Franklin invited viewers to say a simple prayer of repentance and faith, she prayed with him to put her trust in Jesus Christ. She called our toll-free number to talk with a team member about her decision and receive more information. Anna said she understood what Christ did for her and rejoiced that she is now a child of God. Our staff member prayed with Anna, asking the Lord to help her grow in her new walk and to comfort her in the loss of her mother. They were also able to discuss the importance of reading the Bible each day and regularly attending a Bible-teaching church in her community.
Saved from death twice
Jordan* called the prayer line burdened by years of grief. His dad, a pastor, had died when Jordan was only 6 years old. Overcome by anguish, his mother turned to alcohol and drugs to cover her pain and died not long after from an overdose. Jordan, now 22, did not have a relationship with the Lord. One day, while working on some power lines, he received a serious electrical shock. He knew it was a miracle that he was alive today, and it made him think about spiritual matters.
Our staff member explained the Gospel, making sure Jordan understood what the Bible says about sin and God’s gift of salvation. Jordan was ready to lay his heavy burdens down, and he prayed over the phone to repent of his sins and invite Jesus Christ to be his Savior and Lord. He also expressed his desire to be baptized and that he now wants to preach the Gospel like his father. We praise God that Jesus came “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10, ESV) and pray He will use Jordan as He rescues countless more.
Victory in Jesus
Ken* had a growing awareness that he had wasted precious years of his life abusing alcohol. But he also knew about Jesus and that God wanted him to have victory through His power. After seeing Franklin Graham’s TV Gospel spot, the Ontario resident called the toll-free number on the screen to seek prayer and reassurance for his life-changing next step: entering rehabilitation. Eric, our trained volunteer, listened to Ken’s story, then encouraged him to read Ephesians 1 and 2. Those chapters present the Good News and remind readers that they have forgiveness and new life through Christ. Ken was grateful for the opportunity to rededicate his life to Christ. He had not been to church in years, so Eric helped connect him to a Bible-believing congregation in his part of the province. Praise God!
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