When Karen heard about the Franklin Graham God Loves You Tour in Glasgow, Scotland, she immediately thought of Teresa*—her daughter’s mother-in-law.
“I heard that she was interested in Christianity,” Karen shared. “I knew exactly who I was going to invite tonight.”
And on Saturday night, Teresa was one of more than 7,500 people in the crowd at the OVO Hydro arena, where Franklin Graham preached the Good News at the second stop of the God Loves You Tour in the U.K.
He shared from Mark 10 about Bartimaeus—a blind man whose sight was restored when he called out to Jesus in faith. We are all “spiritually blind” without Jesus, Graham added.
He explained that a personal relationship with God is possible only through trusting in His Son, Jesus Christ.
“You come to Jesus,” Graham said, inviting guests to come forward to pray and make that decision. “Let Him heal your heart—let Him set you free tonight.”
Teresa came forward, with Karen by her side, sharing that everything Graham said about God’s love, salvation, and hope touched her heart.
“I want Jesus,” Teresa said.
Karen left the arena, grinning from ear to ear at how God works: “Forgiveness is amazing,” she said.

‘God Put Us Together’
Isla* had been going to church, but she knew deep down something was missing.
When her church invited her on a free bus ride to the God Loves You Tour, she couldn’t say no.
Some 116 buses brought people from as far away as Aberdeen—over a two-hour drive from Glasgow—to hear Graham’s message about the hope of the Gospel.
“Religion can’t save you—the only one who can save you is Jesus Christ,” Graham explained. “He’ll forgive you, cleanse you, and set you free tonight.”
It was then that Isla realized what she was missing: She needed to know God personally.
Wendy—a missionary from Alberta, Canada—was delighted to pray with the 20-year-old as she surrendered her life to Jesus Christ.
“She was really excited after we prayed,” Wendy said. “She had joy on her face.”
As the two talked more, they realized they live only 20 minutes from each other and decided to exchange contact information.
“It will be nice to have a Christian friend,” Isla told Wendy.
“I would love to disciple her in her walk with Christ,” Wendy said later, beaming. “God put us together.”
>>Please pray that these new believers will grow strong in their walks with God, and for upcoming evangelistic outreaches. Will Graham will share the Good News in Gold Coast, Australia, on June 29.
*Some names have been changed for privacy.
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