As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc on lives and economies around the world, more and more struggling Canadians are visiting Search for Jesus evangelism websites (such as PeaceWithGod.net) searching for answers to their questions. Almost 92,000 Canadians visited these websites in the first six months of this year—nearly double the number during the same time last year.
Mickey,* an Alberta resident, was struggling in his marriage and family life. He believed he was under Satanic attack, but he didn’t have a church to attend, even online, and had no godly mentors to turn to.
We thank God that Mickey went online and searched “How to pray to Jesus”. That led him to our Search for Jesus website, where he connected with Peter, a Canadian chat coach.
As Peter conversed with Mickey, he realized that Mickey didn’t have a relationship with Jesus and didn’t know how He could give him strength to resist Satanic attacks, and patience to work on his marriage.
Peter gently shared God’s design for marriage and how to pursue a real, lifechanging relationship with Christ. “Mickey, those who seek God with their whole heart, like you, will surely find Him,” Peter wrote.
Mickey agreed to go through the “Steps to Peace With God” as found on our internet evangelism websites. And when Peter asked if Mickey wanted to pray to receive Christ, he said yes. Praise God!
“Thank you, King Jesus,” Mickey typed as he became “a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV).
We praise God for generous supporters like you, who are reaching out to these hurting people with God’s love and offer of salvation through His Son. You make it possible to train more chat and discipleship volunteers to compassionately answer questions and guide searching people like Mickey to the Truth.
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