For as long as he could remember, Dale* had coped with his mental illness by turning to drugs, pornography, and sexual flings.
But the relief was always fleeting. After the high faded, the pain was still there.
Over time, the emptiness in Dale’s life became deeper. He went on medication to treat the symptoms of his illness and sought support where he could, but the destructive cycle of addiction continued.
Something seemed to have a chokehold on Dale–something that felt too powerful to overcome. “I have lived hell on earth, and I’ve been there in my dreams,” he shares. “I know it’s real.”
Desperate for hope, he turned to the internet for answers.
Dale, who lives in New Brunswick, found on our website, PeaceWithGod.net, where he began exploring Biblically based answers to common questions about God, sin, and salvation.
“I first asked, ‘Can I be saved by Jesus Christ?’ Then I asked if I could go to heaven and be free of sin. ‘Yes,’ I was told. Then I asked, ‘Why am I here on earth?’ The answer came as a blessing to me, as I found this website and started to really learn.”
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As Dale scrolled through the site, he encountered the truth: yes, he was a sinner. But Jesus had died so that he could have eternal life–and lasting freedom from the oppressive power of sin.
Profoundly touched and convicted, Dale committed his life to Jesus and sensed an immediate change within. “I felt broken, then overcome with joy,” he says. “I found myself coming back to life. I then forgave all who wronged me, and started learning to forgive myself.”
After making this life-changing decision, Dale signed up for a free online discipleship course through our Search For Jesus ministry. He was paired with Tom, a trained volunteer discipleship coach.
Together, the two men journeyed through the five-week course. On many occasions, Tom was able to support Dale with timely wisdom and encouragement as they navigated their way through each lesson.
Dale expresses gratitude for Tom’s guidance and care through the process. “I started this thinking I’m too far gone, too much of a sinner. But then, through learning and talking, I felt at home.”
Using our online church locator, Tom was able to guide Dale to a church in his community, where he continues to attend.
Dale knows his journey is far from over. The road out of addiction is long and winding, and he readily admits that he still struggles.
But Dale is not walking this path alone. He has a church community and new friends to support him. Most importantly, He knows that Jesus is helping him every step of the way.
Today, Dale shares his testimony with whoever is willing to listen. He even dreams of writing a book one day, so that he can tell his story to as many people as possible.
“I tried to be my own God, and fell down many holes and traps of the enemy,” he says. “I did so many sinful things, and I tried to reason with others that I was right. But I got so beat up and broken.
“But even after I let Him down, Jesus still loved me. I’m a sinner, but still saved by Him! It is such a gift I could cry. Now I am loved by Him in a way I could not have dreamed. I have gifts I would never have had if I did not suffer. Without Jesus, I would be dead by now, or in the hospital for life. I have learned that only Jesus can deliver us.”
Each year, millions of people all over the world interact with our Search For Jesus ministry. Just like Dale, they need support and guidance as they explore the Christian faith and engage with their deepest questions about life and eternity. Will you consider joining our team of volunteers today?
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