During Jesus’ ministry on earth, He brought sight to the blind—both physically and spiritually. From a blind man named Bartimaeus, to a Samaritan woman by a well, Jesus opened eyes and changed hearts.
And in a modern world, He’s using the internet to help people see and understand the beauty of the Gospel.
Take Fiona*, for instance, who started chatting online with one of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s (BGEA’s) trained internet evangelism volunteers. She knew about Jesus and was ready to take the next step.
“I want to have a relationship with Jesus,” she typed on one of BGEA’s interactive websites.
As an online chat coach explained the Good News of Jesus Christ, Fiona learned about a loving God. And because she is blind, her phone read aloud every word of their conversation.
“Would you like to invite Jesus into your heart right now?” the chat coach asked.
“Yes,” she replied and then prayed to surrender her life to God. Immediately, she talked about witnessing to her family and friends.
Fiona might be physically blind, but she came to spiritually see.
The Lord sets the prisoners free; the Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous.
—Psalm 146:7-8
From a Dream to a Real-Life Decision
Over the past 10 years, BGEA’s internet evangelism ministry, Search for Jesus, has reached millions worldwide.
Maddie* from Canada came to a Search for Jesus website with questions after having a dream about Jesus.
“I do believe in Him,” she wrote. “And I want to start fresh in my life and accept Him into my life. I just don’t know how.”
A trained volunteer chat coach shared the Gospel, step by step. The volunteer explained the concept of sin and how Christ can help her turn away from sin and start anew.
That was exactly what Maddie was looking for. She prayed a short prayer, and the chat coach welcomed her into the family of God.
Her response: “I feel great! … I’m looking forward to my journey with God.”
*Names changed for privacy.
Do you want to start your journey with God? Follow these four steps.
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