Dear Friend,
We recently celebrated the most pivotal moment in history: Christ’s triumphant victory over the grave. The pain and despair of the world fades in the light of the Savior.
Many people have never heard this Good News and are looking for hope in the things of this world. Only God can satisfy the deepest longings of their hearts. Without Him, there is no true peace.
The need for the Gospel is great, and our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the only hope. God is at work today transforming hearts with the power of His love, and we’re grateful for your vital partnership.
God Loves You Tour
My father, Franklin Graham, recently completed the God Loves You Frontera Tour. This 10-city outreach along the U.S. southern border could not have come at a better time. In the midst of chaos and hopelessness on both sides, the Gospel went forward and many found the truth of the Savior.
Will you join me in praying for the thousands of people who heard the Gospel from Texas to California?
Just before the Frontera Tour, my father preached the Gospel to more than 43,000 in Mexico City at an outreach called Esperanza CDMX (Festival of Hope, Feb. 17–18). This was actually the second year in a row that he has proclaimed the Good News in Mexico City. The 2023 event was so large that many were unable to get into the overflow venue. When that happened, we recognized the deep spiritual hunger in this world-class city and vowed to return with the hope of the Gospel in 2024.
During the two-night outreach, the Holy Spirit was once again at work, and more than 4,100 people streamed forward when given the opportunity to repent of their sins and surrender to Christ as Savior.
Among those who responded was a woman named Ari,* who suffers from a condition that makes walking difficult. Though she was not a believer, Ari had started listening to Christian radio. When she learned about Esperanza CDMX, she desperately wanted to attend but was afraid her health would not permit it. Ari did the only thing she could think to do—she prayed. Not only did she make it to the event, but as my father proclaimed the Gospel, she joyfully gave her heart to Christ. “Look, I was able to walk. I stood up and went to the front and said to God, ‘Here I am for You,’” Ari shared with tears in her eyes. “I felt God’s love … I feel that I am leaving renewed, full of hope, full of strength. I will not give up, and I want to learn more of the Word,” she said as she held the New Testament we gave her.
As we look ahead to the rest of 2024, my father will be preaching the Good News in Poland, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Vietnam. At a recent gathering in Naples, we saw Christians praying fervently for their city, and they erupted with joy when we announced that the Piazza del Plebiscito—Naples’ large public square—had been secured for the event later this year. Such is their passion for proclaiming the hope of Jesus to their neighbors!
Planning The Proclamation
I’m also busy planning an exciting year of ministry.
I’m heading to Canada for a pair of events. On April 4, we’re launching the Grande Prairie Look Up Celebration, an evangelistic outreach that will take place in Alberta in November. From there, I’ll travel to British Columbia to take part in a very special Chinese Evangelism Conference.
During this free, one-day event (translated into Mandarin, Cantonese, and English), participants will worship together and be inspired and challenged to focus on the Gospel and reach others with Christ’s hope. Will you join me in praying for the upcoming Celebration in Grande Prairie as churches prepare the ground for the seeds of the Gospel? Pray also for Chinese believers in Canada, that they would be equipped and emboldened in their work to share the Good News.
True Freedom in Portugal
Following my trip to Canada, I will preach in Porto, Portugal, during the Celebration of Hope on April 26. Fifty years ago, the Carnation Revolution took place in this nation, and they celebrate with a national holiday on April 25 called Freedom Day. Now, 50 years later (almost to the day), I’m honored to preach Christ and tell people in Portugal’s second-largest city “if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36, NKJV).
Will you join me in praying that many would find the hope of Jesus—in Porto and beyond— through the Celebration of Hope?
“Go Into All The World…”
My friends, we feel a never-ending burden to follow the Great Commission and go into all the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters in the scope of eternity. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ—the hope found in His death, burial, and resurrection—has the power to truly change the human heart. Thank you for partnering with us in this effort. You are a blessing, and your support is impacting the eternal destination of people across Canada and to the ends of the earth.
God bless you,
Will Graham
Executive Vice President
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy
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