We recently completed the eight-city, 2,000-mile Route 66 God Loves You Tour, and tens of thousands heard the Gospel—including many who watched one of the online livestreams. The Lord answered prayers in a powerful way, and many people came to faith in Jesus Christ.
The tour kicked off at the Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet, Illinois, with more than 8,700 in attendance. By the end of that evening, more than 350 people told us they made a decision for Jesus Christ.
Over 4,000 joined us at the World Wide Technology Raceway in St. Louis for the second stop, and I preached about Naaman, out of 2 Kings. Just as he, a leper, was able to find healing, I urged those in attendance to find spiritual healing and forgiveness for their sins through the blood of Christ. We praise God for the many people who stood to repent of their sins and come to Christ for complete redemption.
The next stop was Springfield, Missouri. I told the story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15 to the almost 9,000 people. I challenged the listeners that even if they had been running, they could come back to their Heavenly Father. It was exactly what Diego* needed to hear. When I gave the invitation to respond to God, Diego stood up to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. He shared, “I’ve got some bad things I’ve done in the past, and I’m tired of carrying it. I just want to live for Him.” Praise God for the peace only He can give.
Our fourth destination was Oklahoma City. Over 4,000 people gathered, including Jose* and Celia,* who came after seeing an ad on Facebook. Celia said she was so excited to come to the event and felt like something big was going to happen. Following the message, both of them rose and prayed to surrender to Jesus Christ. With joy, Jose exclaimed, “I believe!”
In Amarillo, Texas, nearly 12,000 people—including Kathy*—came to hear a message of forgiveness and cleansing if you’re willing to come to Him in repentance and faith. Kathy held her baby and listened as I preached. Feeling ashamed from having previously chosen to have an abortion, she said, “I’ve never heard someone say that you can be forgiven from having an abortion.” She prayed to repent of her sins and recommit her life to Christ and told our counselor she hopes to share this Good News with other young women at Christian-based crisis pregnancy clinics.
During our sixth event, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, almost 700 individuals of the more than 7,000 in attendance made life-changing decisions for Christ. At our next stop, I preached the Gospel to 4,400 gathered in Flagstaff, Arizona. More than 300 people responded to the Good News that night.
The final night of the tour was in San Bernardino, California, where almost 7,000 gathered to hear the preaching of God’s Word. Mary* attended with her seven-year-old. She had been clean from meth addiction for seven months after surrendering her life to Christ in a hotel room. She brought her son to the event so he could hear the Good News. At the invitation—and to her joyful surprise—he wanted to receive Christ into his heart and follow Him as Lord.
We are grateful for your partnership in this ministry. Your prayers and gifts have allowed thousands to hear the life-changing Gospel over the past several weeks.
Thank you for faithfully praying and giving to see the message of Jesus spread far and wide.
May He richly bless you,
Franklin Graham
When Rachael learned that Will Graham would be preaching the Gospel in her hometown of Sudbury, Ontario, she knew in her heart that this could be a way for the Lord to touch the hearts of her young relatives.
She received permission to bring her 12-year-old niece Rebecca* and 10-year-old nephew Justin* to KidzFest,
the child-oriented opening night of the Oct. 15–17 outreach weekend at Sudbury Community Arena.
“I wanted them to come to something geared toward them,” said the 21-year-old Sudbury resident, who came to faith in Jesus Christ at age 13. “It was kid-friendly and the music was great.”
God blessed Rachael’s efforts because when Will invited everyone to come forward and commit their lives to Christ, Rebecca and Justin were among those who responded.
“I was so happy and so proud,” Rachael said joyfully. “I never saw that kind of enthusiasm from them before.”
More than 2,200 people of all ages heard the Gospel in person, online, or at a satellite location in Sudbury. We praise God that almost 150 responded to the Good News of
Jesus Christ, who became sin for us “so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21, ESV).
“This Celebration has definitely been positive for Sudbury,” said Amanda Robichaud, executive co-chair of the Sudbury leadership team.
“The pandemic of fear is huge right now, so somebody bringing a message of hope and Jesus is definitely appreciated. I had people telling me, ‘I need this. I’ve been so fearful’.”
Will Graham addressed that fear in the Celebration’s final night: “We have great technology, great wealth, and great medical systems, but we’re still suffering from anxiety and fear.”
Real, lasting peace, Will said, “only comes from one place and that’s from Jesus. All the things we look for in life are found in a personal relationship with Christ and nothing else.”
Bill Meade, pastor at Sudbury’s Northedge Church, saw Kristy,* a woman in his congregation, bring her boyfriend John* to the Celebration and exchange his fear for faith in Christ.
“He was very interested in the Gospel and kept saying, thank you,’” Bill happily recalled. “But as we’re talking, she was wiping tears from her eyes.”
Please pray for these new believers, that they would be discipled in partner churches and deepen their new relationship with “the Word [who] became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14, ESV).
* Names changed for privacy
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