Since its start during the first months of the pandemic, the Billy Graham Prayer Line has received more than 690,000 calls.
Many of them were dials for help.
For more than a year, people feeling despair, struggling with questions about God or seeking salvation have been able to access answers. Answers to questions that have been especially stimulated by the effects of COVID-19.
>> Call the 24-hour Billy Graham Prayer Line at 1-888-388-2683.
Many of the callers are watching mainstream media when Franklin Graham’s Gospel ads appear on TV, offering Good News and information about the prayer line.
And people want in.
Read three short stories that show how a phone call can fill people’s lives with hope.
A Passion for the Gospel
Pamela* saw Franklin Graham’s Gospel ad on television and prayed with him to give her life to Jesus Christ.
When she called our number, she enthusiastically shared about her salvation and asked if we could send materials to help her grow in her new faith. She was burdened for her family members who don’t know the Lord and asked for assistance in knowing how to share Jesus with them.
Pamela said she needed to tell her family, “Our problem is a sin problem.”
After praying with a Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) staff member, she rejoiced and thanked the Lord for dying on the cross on her behalf.
A Three-Way Call for Help
Mona, a BGEA representative, received a three-way call from a nursing home.
Ellie* and Holly* were on the line. They had both seen Franklin Graham’s Gospel spot, and each indicated they wanted to pray to receive Jesus Christ into their lives.
Mona talked with them about the Gospel, and both women prayed to repent of their sins and accept what Christ did on their behalf. Both were overcome with emotion, filled with joy for what God has done for them.
Holly recently experienced a stroke and is recovering, and together they prayed for her recovery. Mona encouraged them to read their Bibles daily and challenged them to expect the Lord to continue working in their lives.
‘I Need to Be Forgiven and Set Free’
Stella* called the prayer line in a state of brokenness, grieving and struggling with guilt over her past.
She said, “I need to be forgiven and set free.”
Stella and Lauren, a BGEA staff member, talked for a long time, discussing the Gospel, what Christ did for us on the cross, and how He can provide redemption and the forgiveness of sins.
After bearing her heavy burden for years, Stella indicated she was finally ready to repent and surrender her life to Jesus Christ, and she prayed to be saved. Lauren shared about what it means to be a new Christian, walking with the Lord, and how to honor God with her life.
Stella expressed excitement about her new life in Jesus and said she looks forward to serving the Lord.
*Name changed for privacy.
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