“I’ve been thinking about God”
Stephanie* called our prayer line and said, “I’ve been thinking about God and feeling like I should be closer to Him.” When she saw Franklin on television inviting people to pray and receive Jesus Christ into their lives, she prayed with him. Our prayer line representative shared more about the Gospel using our booklet “Steps to Peace With God,” to make sure she understood the message. They talked for a few minutes about how important it is to pray and read the Bible daily. The trained representative showed her how to use our church locator tool to find a Bible-believing church in her area, and Stephanie requested that we send her follow-up discipleship materials from BGEA so she could grow in her new walk with the Lord.
Considering the claims of Christ
Mandy*, a 43-year-old professional, called in tears after having an unpleasant confrontation with her boss. When she got home, she turned on the television and saw Franklin Graham sharing the Gospel on one of our ads, and she immediately called the number. She said that for some time she had been considering the claims of Jesus Christ, but she did not know how to begin a relationship with Him. The representative began using the Scriptures to share what God did for us at the cross and how to become His child. Mandy indicated she wanted to begin a new life in Christ, and she prayed in repentance and faith to receive Him as her Lord and Savior. She also asked how to find a local church, and the representative shared the link to our church locator tool with her. Praise the Lord for His saving grace!
A returning prodigal son
After seeing Franklin Graham’s evangelistic message on TV, David* called the toll-free number on the screen from his home in Manitoba. He told Samantha, our representative, that the Holy Spirit prompted him to call and confess that he had wandered far from God. As David described how he’d become involved with prostitution and illegal drugs, Samantha asked if he knew the parable of the Prodigal Son. David did, and Samantha reminded him of the wonderful point—our Heavenly Father is waiting with open arms to welcome His children home. David was filled with joy as he realized that included him, and he prayed a prayer of repentance to return to the Lord. “His life is on a completely different trajectory now, all because the commercial was on his TV,” Samantha said.
“One of my most cherished moments in life”
Jim* is a 65-year-old retired policeman. His wife saw Franklin’s short Gospel message on television, wrote down the toll-free number, and told her husband to call. Though he grew up religious, Jim rarely attended church and didn’t know the Gospel. He had sincere questions, and Sam, our call center representative, had a lengthy conversation with him, sharing about God’s love for us and how He provided a way for us to know Him and have eternal life. As they talked, Jim understood more and more what it means to be a Christian. Finally, he decided he wanted to repent of his sins and accept Jesus Christ into his life. Jim and Sam cried as they prayed, and together they thanked the Lord for His saving power. Sam said later, “That has to be one of my most cherished moments in life, and I look forward to meeting Jim in Heaven one day.”
* Names changed for privacy
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