Dear Friend,
As I write to you this month, I’m excited to tell you about new doors the Lord has been faithfully opening this year for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) to proclaim His Gospel around the world.
The Apostle John described the risen Christ as “He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.” Speaking of the church in ancient Philadelphia, our Lord told John, “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name” (Revelation 3:7–8, NKJV).
Much like us, these Christians lived in a culture that often resisted God’s truth. People desperately needed the Gospel. Jesus commended them for staying faithful to Him and His Word in spite of public opinion and pressures. They patiently endured, trusting God and bringing Him glory.
When the Lord puts an open door in front of us, we want to take full advantage of it. Thankfully, this has been a year of great opportunities for BGEA, and with the partnership of friends like you, we are seizing them for God’s glory.
Connecting Youth With the Church and the Gospel
Barry Slauenwhite wants young people to stay connected to the church. That’s why he’s excited to see
what God will do through FM419, the youth evangelism and discipleship training taking place this month in the Ontario cities of London and Sudbury.
“It’s my perception that the younger generation’s view of church is getting a bit skewed—from the culture around them and from the political and religious rhetoric around the pandemic,” said the London resident.
Barry, executive director of Christian Churches Network of London, is eagerly anticipating FM419’s mix of worship music, Biblical teaching, Gospel proclamation, and encouragement for students.
FM419 is taking place Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. (ET) at Summerside Community Church in London and North Edge Church in Sudbury. Participants can apply to become volunteers at the Celebrations’ outreach weekends (Oct. 15–17 in Sudbury and Oct. 22–24 in London).
“I’m hoping FM419 will reconnect young people with the church and the Gospel and that they’ll see the Gospel is not outdated—it’s relevant,” said Barry.
Please visit CelebrationsWithWillGraham.ca for more information. And please pray for the Celebration — that Christians will invite their friends to the outreach and the Lord will use Will Graham’s Gospel proclamations to transform many lives.
Encouraging Our Law Enforcement
I thank God for the men and women who serve our nation in law enforcement. In some of our cities, these officers have endured a lot of criticism and lack of support, making their work even more stressful. We recently hosted couples from different areas of the nation for the first law enforcement marriage resiliency retreat in Port Alsworth, Alaska. These officers all experienced injuries or trauma in the line of duty—shootings, physical attacks, grief from losing fellow officers, or car accidents while in pursuit.
Our staff showered these couples with love and encouragement all week. They received Biblical teaching and counseling together with other couples in a safe environment. One couple from Amarillo, Texas, arrived contemplating divorce. “Law enforcement officers are hard, we’re jaded, we’re really not an easy crust to crack,” the husband said. “You broke it all the way down for me and my wife.” As the Lord worked, they were one of three couples to renew their marriage vows by the week’s end.
Another husband and wife from Portland, Oregon, followed the Lord in believer’s baptism in the chilly waters of Lake Clark. Your prayers and gifts make it possible to minister to these brave men and women who stand in the gap for our communities. Please continue praying for our law enforcement officers and their families. Through our National Law Enforcement Ministry, we’re planning appreciation events in several embattled cities to thank these dedicated servants. We want to let them know we stand behind them.

As I write to you, I am preparing to preach God’s Word this fall along America’s heartland during the Route 66 God Loves You Tour. The most critical thing you can do is pray. The intercession of God’s people is crucial if we are going to see lives changed for eternity.
If you live near one of the eight cities, you can also volunteer or attend one of our Christian Life and Witness Courses. These three-hour sessions will equip you to share your faith with others—as a counselor at the event or any other time. Check out GodLovesYouTour.com to learn more.
I thank God for you and for your partnership in this ministry of evangelism. The message is urgent, and with the Lord’s strength, we will continue working to take the Gospel to the world.
May God Bless You,
Franklin Graham
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