Jesus Christ gave us marching orders before He ascended to Heaven. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, … teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20, ESV).
Today, through modern technology, we have amazing tools we can use to obey this command, sharing the Good News with people literally all over the world through the internet.
We praise God that during 2021, an average of more than 24,000 people visited our internet evangelism sites each day, and over 4,000 indicated making spiritual decisions for Jesus Christ each day.
This past year people have explored the Gospel from places like Azerbaijan, Sudan, India, Bolivia, and Lebanon. Your prayers and gifts make a difference and touch people with the life-changing message of Christ every day.
Immediately after giving the Great Commission, Jesus then promised, “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20, ESV). We rely on His presence through the Holy Spirit to reach people who desperately need Him.
Thank you for your partnership in this vital work.
May God bless you,
Franklin Graham
“I will not deny my faith in our Lord Christ”
Emad,* a man in his 20s living in the Middle East, contacted our Salam Maa Allah site with questions about Christianity. He had learned a little about Jesus Christ but said, “I was harshly criticized and warned about the consequences of following Jesus. I didn’t have anyone to teach me the message of Christ.”
He found our site one day while searching the internet and knew it was time for him to learn about Jesus. As he went through the online course, he began to understand the Good News, and he read through the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Emad had a lot of questions about baptism, which our volunteer answered, and he requested a hard copy of the Bible. Our team connected him with a group of believers near him, and they provided him with a Bible in his language.
After exploring the claims of the Gospels, Emad decided he wanted to follow Jesus Christ, and he prayed to repent of his sins and surrender his life to the Lord. He shared with our team member, “I will follow our Lord Christ alone and will not follow anyone else. I will not deny my faith in our Lord Christ even though this thing will cause me to be killed.”
Please pray for new believers in the Middle East like Emad. Ask God to give them strength in obeying His Word and remaining bold in their faith.
He came looking for truth
“I feel someone is speaking to my heart, and I want to know who is God. I am Muslim, and I don’t feel I am satisfied with my faith. When I think of the Christian faith, I feel like there is a connection with whom they believe in, because of the love they always share with each other.” These were Hassan’s* first words to our online volunteer on our Arabic-language site, Salam Maa Allah.
He came asking questions and wanting to know the one true God. Our online volunteer shared what the Bible says about humanity and salvation through Jesus Christ, and Hassan was grateful that someone could help him.
After helping Hassan understand the complete Gospel, our representative asked him if he was willing to follow Christ. “YES I want to,” he exclaimed. “Jesus Christ is the only one who loved us and gave Himself for us when He died on the cross.”
“Let your little light shine”
“I’m Ruth* and I want to learn about the Gospel,” said one 8-year-old girl who visited our Peace With God site. Lynda, our volunteer, was glad to explain the Good News of Jesus Christ to Ruth. When asked if she wanted to pray, Ruth indicated she did, and she asked Jesus to come into her life and forgive her of her sins. Lynda asked if she had a Bible she could read each day, to grow in her faith. She replied that her mother was helping her find one and then added, “I want to know how to share the Gospel with my family and friends.” Lynda gave her some of our online resources to help—and then told her, “Let your little light shine!” We praise God for Ruth’s new life in Christ!
“I’m lost in this world …”
“I have committed every sin on earth except murder,” Abdullah* told our team member Michael. “Can I be a child of God?”
Abdullah, who is from South Africa, was overcome by his sin. “I want change in me and I cannot do it on my own.” Michael talked with him about the necessity of having Jesus Christ in his life and how he can only walk in peace and godliness through a personal relationship with Him. As they discussed these things, Michael asked if he would like to put his faith in Jesus, and Abdullah responded, “Yes I would love that because I’m lost in this world.” Abdullah prayed to repent of his sins and start a new life in Christ. Before the conversation ended, they talked about how he could find a Bible-believing church in his area and how important it is to begin reading God’s Word. Though he came from a Muslim background, Abdullah said, “I personally know the truth in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God.”
* Names changed for privacy
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