Spread across an expanse reaching more than 1,200 square miles, woven throughout by 330 lakes, Greater Sudbury carries a hard-working, blue-collar legacy as a lumber and mining center.
Beautiful birch and fir trees, highlighted by fading fall colors, populate rocky, nickel-rich hills along picture perfect waterways. Historic buildings tell the story of the community’s proud history.
Look deeper, however, and the harsh realities of modern urban life are visible.
Clustered tents rattle in the cold Canadian wind, housing a large homeless population. A street corner is saturated with more than 100 white crosses carrying hand-written names and messages, providing a stark visual reminder of the opioid epidemic’s toll on the area.
The need for hope—not just hope for this life, but for eternity—runs deep.
During the second night of the Greater Sudbury Celebration in Ontario, Canada, Will Graham drew from a verse that doesn’t seem overly hopeful at first glance. Proverbs 14:12 says:
“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”
As an illustration, Graham shared about the time he landed at the Atlanta airport with only a couple hours to drive to Auburn, Alabama, before a scheduled meeting. When road construction confused his GPS, he turned it off, thinking he knew the right way. Unfortunately, he got on the wrong freeway and missed the meeting.
Similarly, many people think they’re doing all the right things, but they’re actually on a path that’s leading them away from God, he said.

“You may be very sincere in following the path that you are on. Your whole heart can be in it. You desperately want to go in the right direction, but you’re going in the wrong direction,” said Graham. “The Bible says the broad road seems right to man, but its end is death.”
>>See photos from the Greater Sudbury Celebration
But then came a hope-filled answer to the dilemma: “I’m here to tell you, just like I had to make a decision to get off the wrong road and go a different direction, tonight you can change directions and follow the narrow path that leads to eternity with God. He will give you a new start in life. It comes through His Son Jesus Christ!”
Dozens streamed forward as Graham gave the invitation to begin a relationship with Jesus and find the hope that exists only in Him.

Among them was May, who heard about the Greater Sudbury Celebration at church. Her late aunt followed Billy Graham’s ministry, and when May learned that Will Graham, Billy Graham’s grandson, was coming to town, she was excited to attend.
The message Will Graham shared impacted her deeply.
“It applied a lot to me because I’ve been having doubts in my walk with Christ,” she said. “I lost my aunt five years ago, and she used to be a missionary, so I’ve been kind of questioning God.”
May continued, “It was kind of an assurance for me that whatever happens, God is still there and is still waiting. I came at the right time. I think I needed to hear this message tonight.”
The Celebration continues Sunday night, featuring music by Brooke Nicholls, The Afters and George Canyon. Watch live at 6 p.m. ET.
Are you on the wrong path today? Jesus Christ can help you turn things around.
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