God will never give you more than you can handle—or does He?
On the new episode of her Fearless podcast, Cissie Graham Lynch asks, “Do you ever feel inadequate for the task God has put before you? Maybe God’s really laid it on your heart to do something that you feel is beyond your capability.”
With an honest look at her own insecurities and struggles, Cissie Graham Lynch shares how God has encouraged and challenged her in her faith during the past few months.
“When God has called us to something, He equips us for it. … Your calling isn’t about whether you are able. But it’s rather, are you available?” Lynch said.
Hear how you can trust God with your insecurities—and how He can use your weakness for His glory.
“The truth is that God wants to use you. … And I just want to encourage you … to be available for the calling God has on your life,” Lynch said.
Listen to the latest podcast episode.
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