“The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.” —Daniel 11:32b
The flip of the calendar from 2020 to 2021 may not have been the “magical change” everyone had hoped for, but Cissie Graham Lynch urges Christians to stand strong in their faith.
“We are not to conform to the world, but we are to walk with God,” Lynch said during her first Fearless podcast of the year. “We are to teach our children the stories that God’s Word is truth, the foundation that we are to stand on, the solid rock that we are to stand on in the days we will face.”
The opening days of 2021 have been anything but easy. Within the first week, America—and really the world—was gripped by the horrific events that unfolded at our nation’s Capitol. Lynch talks about that during her 20-minute podcast, as well as other government-related moments that have grabbed headlines. For many, the solution is simply to turn off the news or log off social media.
“That is not the answer,” Lynch challenged believers. “I want to encourage you that we cannot grow weary. I believe that’s what the enemy wants us to [do].”
Lynch leaned on the Old Testament prophets to encourage those who may be discouraged and depressed in the midst of these challenging times. It is getting harder to be a Christian, she said, adding that she doesn’t expect it to get any easier. But not all hope is lost as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus.
“We have to know God,” Lynch said. “We have to know His story. We have to know His intricate plan.”
We have to know our Bible, she continued. We have to know what we believe and why we believe it. And that’s Lynch’s goal this year through various planned interviews on her podcast.
“I want to be able to stand in confidence,” Lynch said. “I want to be able to have the courage to stand fearless in this culture that’s forever changing, and I want that to be the purpose of Fearless as we look out this year.”
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