Wei Pei admits to being astounded at all that God is accomplishing through the Search for Jesus Chinese ministry.
“For me, it’s like a miracle,” said the Vancouver resident, who has managed the Chinese part of this internet evangelism outreach since it began in March 2021.
The opportunity is enormous: about 1.3 billion people speak Cantonese or Mandarin, including more than 1.2 million Canadians.
In the last six months alone, 20 Chinese-speaking chat volunteers (18 of them Canadian) have had 1,600 conversations with people from around the world. We praise God for bringing 55 of those inquirers to faith in His Son, and 47 more have rededicated their lives to Christ.

One of them, Ah* in Malaysia, was struggling to keep his marriage going. He connected with a Search for Jesus volunteer and, over several weeks, came to understand who Jesus is and the gift of salvation. He prayed in repentance and faith to receive Christ. As a result, we connected Ah with a church pastor who traveled six hours by boat to meet with Ah and disciple him in his new faith.
A majority of our interactions are with people from Malaysia and Taiwan, where Search for Jesus has concentrated its outreach through advertising and a Chinese version of the ministry’s English Peace With God Facebook page.
“I’m just a servant here,” Wei emphasized. “God is really working to reach out to people on the other side of the world, who we’d normally never be able to connect with.”
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy
How You Can Be a Part of Internet Evangelism:
Pray: Every moment of every day, someone in the world is actively exploring the Gospel through our Search for Jesus ministry. Thousands of people are looking for hope, meaning, or peace that only Christ can give. Your prayers help share the Good News online with searching hearts. Visit SearchforJesus.net/Pray to see how God is at work.
Volunteer: You can help share God’s love with people across the globe without leaving home. To learn how
you can volunteer online, visit SearchforJesus.net.
Give: You can reach people everywhere who search for truth, even where the Gospel cannot be shared openly. Your gift of $60 can help five people hear the Gospel through the Search for Jesus online outreach.
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