When flooding damaged 80 homes in Exshaw, AB, financial supporters like you brought the love of Jesus to locals through Rapid Response Team chaplains. But here, chaplain Kimberly Smith reflects on how a resident brought the love of Christ to them.
We thought we went to Exshaw in June to serve and be a blessing, but we got to ‘drink from the well’ instead (John 4:14). We had the joy of spending a morning with an 83-year-old woman named Anna*. We had crossed paths with her husband Dave* every morning and on this day, he invited us to their home.
During our visit, Anna shared some of the tragedies of her past. She was forced at age five to attend residential school away from her family. When she was allowed to leave the school at age 14, she said the experience had stripped her of her identity. But through her many challenges, God constantly whispered to her that she is His child. She desperately clung to His words.
Anna kept her story a secret until she was 76 years old. That’s when she discovered a personal and deeper relationship with God. This gave her the boldness to share her story, find healing and point people to Jesus.
Together we sang her favorite hymn, Be Not Afraid. She sent some rhubarb pudding home with us and we ended our visit by praying together. It was such a sweet and joyous way to end our deployment. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered” (Proverbs 11:25, ESV).
Each time crisis-trained Rapid Response Team chaplains are deployed, supporters like you are right there with them. Will you ensure resources are always available to equip and send chaplains wherever and whenever they are needed?
*Names changed to protect privacy
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