After a life of remarkable service to our Lord, Billy Graham was laid to rest Friday, March 2 at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. Watch his funeral service.Margaret Campbell is 101 years old, but that didn’t stop her from coming to pay her respects at the live stream of Billy Graham’s funeral service. Billy Graham touched the lives of her and her sister, who recently passed away at age 106, so Margaret decided to honor her sister by coming to this event and celebrating the legacy of Billy Graham.BGEAC staff and guests signed their names in the guest book, which will be sent to the Graham family along with messages of condolences from Canadians whose lives were impacted by Billy Graham.BGEAC chaplains gathered to pray for the funeral service, the Graham family, and the ongoing ministry.In 1995, Billy Graham said, “My favorite verse of Scripture was taught to me by my mother when I was just a little boy: For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)BGEAC staff welcomed guests at the Calgary office on March 2 to watch the livestream of Billy Graham’s funeral and honor his legacy together as a collective community.Billy Graham’s daughter Anne Graham Lotz remembered reading Scripture to her father after her mother died. “He loved to hear God’s Word.” After she finished each message, Anne would always say, “Daddy, I love you.”Dave Ingram, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada’s director of ministry, welcomed guests who gathered to watch the funeral service in Calgary.We are so thankful for the support of our donors, volunteers, and community during this time. Thank you to everyone who joined with us, whether in person or online across the country, to celebrate the life and ministry of Billy Graham.Billy Graham’s legacy lives on through the ongoing ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.