“This is so that the next generation and children not yet born will know these things, and so they can rise up and tell their children.” (Psalm 78:6, CEB)
As Canada celebrates its first 150 years, join us in building a foundation for the next 150 years. Together, let’s share the Gospel all across our nation in 2017 through a variety of exciting initiatives!
Every generation of Canadians since our nation began in 1867 has had hope.
Hope for peace. Hope for prosperity. Hope for employment, for owning our own homes, for healthy children, for lasting friendships, for retirement, and for so much more. But by pinning our hopes on things that are fleeting or can never be fully guaranteed, we risk deep and prolonged disappointment.
At the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada (BGEAC), we’re dedicated to offering people the ultimate form of hope—through Jesus Christ. Relying on Him provides hope for today, tomorrow, and eternity.
We know there is nothing more important in the growth of a person or a nation than being in a right relationship with God. And so in 2017, as Canadians celebrate their country’s 150th anniversary through a variety of events throughout the year in communities large and small, we at BGEAC want Canadians everywhere to know “the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39, ESV).

The annual Canadian Evangelism Congress brings together pastors and church leaders from all across Canada.
Creating a legacy of hope in Christ for the next generation of Canadians requires us all—friends, parents, grandparents, co-workers—who are willing to stand in the gap in any way possible to bring people to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
As BGEA President Franklin Graham has said: “Three-quarters of all people who make lasting decisions for Christ in North America do so before the age of 21—that represents an amazing opportunity. We must reach young people while the door is open. Your prayers are an investment in changed lives, in our children and grandchildren, both now and for eternity.”
To introduce more Canadians to Christ, we have exciting evangelistic initiatives happening in many Canadian communities this year.
In partnership with local churches, we’re bringing the Gospel from Canada’s West Coast in early March through the Greater Vancouver Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham, across to Canada’s East Coast in early November through a Celebration of Hope with Will Graham in our nation’s birthplace: Charlottetown, PEI.
Throughout the rest of the year, we’re hosting evangelism training events—including our annual Evangelism Congress, plus ReAwaken seminars in dozens of communities—to equip and empower Canadians to share their faith in Christ. At these training sessions, we’re offering tested and effective ways to share the Gospel in Canada’s rapidly changing and culturally diverse landscape.
Meanwhile, in homes and churches across the country, many Canadians are being introduced to Jesus through our My Hope video ministry—a comfortable yet compelling way for Christians to call others to faith in Christ. We’re also broadcasting our 30-minute My Hope programs and 60-minute Billy Graham Classic programs each week throughout the year on Canada’s YES TV network.
And around the clock, all year long, our PeaceWithGod.net website is sharing the Gospel and inviting people in Canada and around the world into a personal relationship with their Savior. More than nine million people have told us they’ve committed their lives to Christ through our online evangelism ministry since it began in the spring of 2011. That means a faith commitment every 20 seconds.

Our Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains shared Christ’s love in Paris after the recent terrorist attacks.
Our Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains share Christ’s love across Canada and around the world when disaster or tragedy strikes. Our specially trained chaplains are often among the first to respond with compassion and support to those facing their most difficult times.
Whether it’s families who lost their homes to the wildfire in Fort McMurray or those who lost loved ones to terrorist attacks in Europe, RRT chaplains provide a heart-felt ‘ministry of presence’ with those in their times of greatest need.
We are grateful to the Lord that we can continue to proclaim the Gospel across Canada during this very special year for our nation. We will be planting seeds of faith for future generations, just as our Christian ancestors did. Never forget that the faith Canadians share today stems from the evangelistic efforts of other Christians in the past.
BGEAC began in 1953 – meaning we’ve been seed-planting in Canada for 64 years, or almost half its history since Confederation. We thank God for how He has blessed our ministries and our nation.
No person or nation is changed without fervent prayer. And so we’re asking Canadians to pray with us throughout 2017—for their unsaved loved ones, for our country, for a powerful move of God to reach future generations, and in thankfulness for the many ways our Lord has already blessed Canada.
Please join us in this year-long prayer effort. Please also join us, through your donations, in providing Canadians with the ultimate hope offered only by Jesus—hope for today, tomorrow, and eternity.
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