Billy Graham was asked many questions about heaven over the years. Here is a compilation of seven questions and answers published in Mr. Graham’s My Answer column.
Can you prove heaven exists? I’d like to believe in heaven, but I’m not sure I do.
The only way we could know for sure that heaven exists would be for someone to die and go there—and then come back to life and tell us about it. And that’s exactly what Jesus did…READ MORE
What happens to us the first minute after we die? Do we enter heaven immediately, or do our souls go into some kind of a sleep?
The Bible doesn’t answer all our questions about heaven and life after death—and the reason is because our minds are limited and heaven is far too glorious for us to understand…READ MORE
Can people in heaven see what’s happening here on earth?
The Bible does suggest that those who’ve entered heaven before us actually may know what is happening on earth…READ MORE
I have bad health. Why is God keeping me here? Is it wrong that I’d rather be in heaven?
No, it’s not wrong for us to yearn for heaven, particularly when the burdens of this life begin to press down upon us…READ MORE
Where exactly is heaven?
No, you can’t see heaven with a telescope, because heaven exists beyond anything we can see. But that doesn’t mean heaven isn’t real. Heaven is even more “real” than the earth and the stars…READ MORE
Our baby died shortly after birth. Is he in heaven?
Your grief is real, and it won’t go away overnight—but take comfort in the fact that this little child is now in God’s presence forever…READ MORE
Is there any way I can really know if I’m going to heaven?
By His death on the cross He paid the price for our redemption, and now our sins are forgiven—completely…READ MORE
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