Read John 3:16; 5:24 on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day — The word Christmas begins with Christ: the virgin-born Christ child, our Savior. The babe of Bethlehem was not merely a remarkable child but the Son of God. In His infinite grace, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born into this world as a man, yet He never ceased to be God.
Jesus Christ in His infinite love did not begin when He was born in a stable and laid in a manger; He left Heaven’s best to come to this world to be the Savior of mankind. He was offered as a free gift.
God’s gift to the world was despised and rejected 2,000 years ago. In the life of every person who has rejected Him since that time, there has proved to be a fatal defectiveness. Only when we accept the free gift of eternal life through Christ can we know the true meaning of Christmas, the forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting.
God gave His all for you. By giving Him your all this Christmas, you will reach others with the Gospel that they, too, may receive God’s gift.
In what tangible ways can you give Jesus your all today and in the coming year?
>> Read Week 1 of the Advent devotion
>> Read Week 2 of the Advent devotion
>> Read Week 3 of the Advent devotion
>> Read Week 4 of the Advent devotion
>> Download the full devotion series as a PDF document
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