This summer, I preached the Gospel at a special event in Seoul, South Korea, one of the most populous cities on Earth. These services marked the 50th anniversary of my father’s massive Crusade there—his largest ever. Billy Kim, who served as the interpreter during that Crusade, helped organize these anniversary services. Seoul has changed a lot in the five decades since my father preached—but the needs of the human heart have not.
I’m grateful I had the opportunity to proclaim the Good News that “the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23, ESV) to over 70,000 people. Over 6,000 responded by surrendering their lives to Him in repentance and faith, including Yun-Jung Shim.
She had attended church as a teenager, but when she got married, her husband’s family discouraged her from having anything to do with Christianity. “They wanted me to believe in Buddhism. Last week my friend invited me to church and then invited me here,” she shared. When I gave the invitation, Yun-Jung surrendered her life to Jesus Christ. “I feel like God has held my hand, and He met me today.”
My son Will also preached at a service for youth on the night before the anniversary event. He told thousands of young people in Seoul’s SaRang Church that the most important message they’ll ever hear is that God loves them and sent His Son to die for them. Hundreds of kids and teens made life-changing decisions for Jesus Christ during the service. Will you ask the Lord to strengthen each new believer? Please also pray that a spiritual revival will sweep across South Korea.

Facing Tragedy With the Hope of Jesus Christ
We had the opportunity to help lead a training conference for embattled chaplains in Ukraine. We wanted to come alongside these brave Christians as they share the love of Jesus Christ with their neighbors, who are facing unspeakable adversity on a daily basis as the conflict rages on.
Many of those who attended the You Are Not Alone conference have lost their homes and jobs—and any sense of security. Despite these hardships, hundreds of chaplains from all over the country gathered to learn more about how they can minister in Jesus’ Name to those around them.

Will you pray for the countless thousands who are hurting because of this senseless violence—and for the chaplains who are boldly sharing the love of God?
Please also pray for upcoming Gospel ministry in the United Kingdom. This month, I have the privilege of returning to London to proclaim the Good News that “whoever believes in the Son has eternal life” (John 3:36, ESV). Will you ask the Lord to draw people from all walks of life to Himself all across southern England?
Thank you for your heart to reach people far from God with the truth of the Gospel. I am grateful for you.
Franklin Graham
President & CEO
With the Faith of a Child
Ten-year-old Rachel* wrote her father’s name on a small, white card and walked it to the front of the church. With the Thompson-Okanagan Look Up Tour with Will Graham coming in October, this is who Rachel is praying for.
Rachel attended a Look Up Tour praise and worship night with her mom and sister in Vernon, British Columbia, this summer. She joined believers from across the region to pray for friends, family, and neighbors who need to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Many, like Rachel, wrote the first names of their loved ones on cards for prayer.
Believers in the Okanagan have already written more than 2,000 names.
As Rachel returned to her seat, she huddled with her mom and sister and prayed. They prayed for Rachel’s father, who is separated from them and has struggled with a drug addiction.
It’s a story many families can relate to in the Okanagan. Yet, Rachel and her mom are trusting in Christ’s power to heal their family and bring new life to her dad.
Pastor and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association trainer Chad Miller taught about sharing your faith story at the prayer night. “I really liked what he prayed at the end,” Rachel said, “‘Lord, open a door. Lord, open their heart. Lord, open my mouth.’”
As the Thompson-Okanagan Look Up Tour approaches, will you join the believers there as they pray this prayer and invite thousands to hear the Gospel?
Rachel’s mom, Sarah,* has already started inviting many people to hear Will Graham preach the Good News. “I’m praying for my family,” she said. “I can’t wait for October.”
Chaplains Minister to Grieving Dauphin Residents
In the aftermath of a horrific June bus crash that killed 16 seniors, friends like you helped comfort a hurting Manitoba community. Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains deployed to Dauphin, in the western part of the province, to minister to hurting individuals.
The chaplains offered the love of Jesus Christ with grieving residents. In one case, they spoke with a woman who lost two relatives in the crash. “As we prayed with her and chatted more, a glimmer of hope began to emerge in her eyes,” our chaplain reported.

Another chaplain met Roger,* a man sitting outside a church. When the chaplain asked Roger if he had the assurance of Heaven or salvation, he replied he wasn’t sure.
“I want to show you how you can know for sure,” the chaplain said and carefully explained our “Steps to Peace With God” booklet. At the end, she asked if Roger would like to read the prayer of salvation. “I already just prayed it,” Roger said. The chaplain and Roger then prayed it aloud together. Praise God!
We thank God that in the midst of this tragedy, He opened doors for the chaplains to pray with almost 130 Dauphin residents.
*Names and photos changed to protect privacy
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