Are you desperately trying to find peace? Have you had dark thoughts?
>>Call the BGEA Prayer Line toll-free at 1-833-652-5930.
It is possible to find tranquility during the coronavirus outbreak. The kind of true peace that lasts, not a temporary high from alcohol, drugs or sex.
How do you find this peace people speak of?
It may be something you’ve never tried before. Or maybe it’s been years—even as long ago as childhood since you’ve done this.
Try prayer. Actually talk to God.
Billy Graham, an evangelist who passed away just two years ago, was known for his love of God and of everyone around him. He said this about prayer: “The most important thing I can say about this is that God wants you to talk to Him! He loves us and He has promised to hear us when we pray.”
Resources to Help You Explore Prayer
Prayer 101: How Do I Talk to God?
If I Read the Bible and Pray Every Day Will My Problems Go Away?
In his book Hope for the Troubled Heart, Billy Graham wrote, “When we come to the end of ourselves, we come to the beginning of God.”
In his My Answers, a long-established Q&A column, Graham explained why “God” is a subject even atheists and agnostics need to allow themselves to ponder: “You may not see any reason to bother with God—but what of the future? Where will you turn when the doctor says it’s cancer, or someone you love turns against you, or you face any other problem you can’t control? Most of all, how will you face death and eternity without God?”
In these scary times, you shouldn’t feel weird for wondering about God—even if you don’t believe in Him. There’s no harm in checking it out. You could start with prayer.
Why Pray?
Are you just talking into the air? You may wonder how God can hear you if you can’t even see Him.
The Bible, which is God’s Word, says this:
“You love Him, though you have not seen Him. And though not seeing Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with inexpressible and glorious joy” (1 Peter 1:8, HCSB).
Even if you don’t understand why we can’t see God, or are confused, just try connecting with Him.
Does it really work?
Billy Graham explained prayer isn’t a waste of your time, but rather, “Prayer is more than a wish; it is the voice of faith directed to God.”
>>Are you looking for answers?
“Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one ever bothered to ask,” he once said.
How to Pray
There are no exact words you need to say when you pray. Just talk to God like you would a friend. Tell Him exactly how you’re feeling and what’s upsetting you.
If these apply, tell Him:
- How scared you are of the coronavirus
- How you’re mad that social distancing is your new reality
- That you’re lonely
- How depressed and anxious you are
Ask Him:
- How am I going to pay my bills?
- Take care of my family?
- Take care of my parents?
- Get any work done with my kids out of school?
Remember, there is Someone who cares about your heart and soul, and what you’re experiencing. Take a chance and talk to Him today.
God is there, and He loves you more than you can imagine. Pray now.
Have you had thoughts of taking your life? You’re not alone. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-833-456-4566.
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