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We make many important decisions in life. The United States Supreme Court’s decision in favor of the recent “Texas Heartbeat Act” ranks high in the decision realm. However, there is another important decision that can impact our eternal lives. That decision is the decision for Christ.
I made my decision for Christ in 1983. That choice, that decision, changed my worldview. I became a voice for Christ, and a foot soldier for righteousness, life and justice; for one human race, from the womb to the tomb; one blood (Acts 17:26, KJV).
Our nation is divided these days about the teaching of critical race theory in our schools. At the core of this discipline, which many progressives would like to see taught from kindergarten on, is the belief that racism underlies everything—our legal system, education, banking, housing, even language.
Basically, this type of thinking will teach black children and indeed all children that the system is stacked against them and there’s nothing they can do to advance themselves. While systemic racism, such as the taxpayer funding of abortion providers, does exist, it’s not true that people cannot rise above it. Honestly, I can’t think of anything more racist than that.
We’ve had a black president and we now have a black vice president. The first black justice was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1967. We’ve had a black attorney general, surgeon general and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. There is no glass ceiling that cannot be broken, by any minority group—based upon skin color, ethnicity, gender, age or economic status.
I’m not saying that racism has been abolished in America, because of course it hasn’t. But teaching black children or children of any group to hate and mistrust their white schoolmates, or anyone for that matter, will not end racism. Hate and fear will only perpetuate more hate and fear. As my uncle, the late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
In this same way, repeatedly insisting that black women need more abortion perpetuates the increase of abortions. Which brings me to this point: my decision for Christ has also led me to support all life-affirming legislation, including the recently enacted Texas Heartbeat Act.
The new law, which was enacted Sept. 1, protects unborn babies from abortion from six weeks of gestation, about the time a heartbeat can be detected. Now the wailing and gnashing of teeth from abortion advocates in Texas and all over the country is deafening, and one of the complaints I’m hearing is that this is a racist bill and will impact women of color the hardest.
However, the real racists are the ones who insist that black women need to be able to abort our babies, on the government’s dime. We hear this message over and over, every time there’s discussion of any state or federal bill aimed at protecting children in the womb.
It’s racist to suggest that black women can’t handle the responsibilities of motherhood.
It’s racist to insist black women should be having more abortions.
It’s racist to continue to perpetuate the lie that every black woman is destitute and in need of government assistance to kill the child in her womb.
It’s racist to suggest that, in the case of Texas, black women don’t have the means to be able to get to a neighboring state for an abortion.
Abortion advocates say the only way to lift blacks out of poverty is with more abortion, when in real life, 80.2% of American blacks have already been lifted. Only about 20% of American blacks now live in poverty. That’s the lowest poverty rate for blacks in this country ever.
I believe it’s critical to understand—maybe more so than at any other point in our shared history in the U.S.—that there is only one critical race, the human race. There is no white race, no black race, no red race, no brown race, no yellow race, no mixed race. There is one human race.
Our children do not need to be taught critical race theory because there is just one critical race—the human race. We must learn to see and love each other as purely the human family, from the womb to the tomb. We come in different colors. And we’re not color blind, so we must see all of those colors. But we must also see that we are one—one blood, one human race. ©2021 Alveda King
Dr. Alveda C. King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A.D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and a Christian evangelist. She is founder of Speak for Life, and currently serves as a Fox News Channel contributor and is the host of “Alveda King’s House” on Fox Nation. Alveda is also a former Georgia State legislator, and a 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.
Above: Alveda King leads in prayer at the National Museum of African American History and Culture during the Washington Prayer March in September 2020.
Photo: Rick Potter/©2020 BGEA
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