Sixty years ago, Billy Graham traveled across New Zealand and Australia, sharing the love of Christ in city after city.
More than 3 million people—nearly a third of Australia’s population at the time—attended a Crusade event in 1959.
This year, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of that historic tour, Franklin Graham will share the Gospel in half-a-dozen cities from one end of the continent to the other.
Below are 10 short messages about the lasting impact of Mr. Graham’s 1959 tour. As you read these stories, please join Australia’s faithful in praying for a powerful move of God to take place once again.
“In 1959 Billy Graham conducted the largest Crusades in our history in Sydney, Australia. I surrendered my life to Jesus and responded with hundreds of others, as Billy told us of God’s great love for us in the cross of Jesus Christ.” —William Petterson
“It was during the 1959 Billy Graham Crusade that I gave my life to Jesus Christ at age 7. In 1968 I was privileged to be part of the counselling team again in Sydney. Today I pastor a vibrant church in Central Queensland, Australia. The grace of God is an amazing journey. Thank You, Jesus.” —David Morrison
“I was 6 years old when I asked Jesus into my heart at the Crusade here in Sydney, Australia. Dr. Graham’s preaching was so powerful and clear, I understood every word. The path of my life was set. I am forever grateful!” —Faith Ling
“Here in Victoria, Australia, one still meets people who came to Christ at the mighty Billy Graham Crusade of 1959. Billy holds the record for the largest crowd ever to attend an event in the vast stadium in Melbourne where he preached in 1959. That crowd of around 140,000 represented nearly one person in every twelve of the entire population of this great city at the time. Countless lives were changed for good as God worked through Billy’s preaching. There could hardly have been a family in the city that did not feel his influence. He also went to Sydney, and the story was the same there. Those were glorious days of revival 60 years ago. Australia owes much to Billy Graham.” —Stephen Due
“I was only six years old in 1959 when Billy Graham held a Crusade at the show ground in Sydney, NSW, Australia. On the last night my mum convinced my dad to take her up to Sydney to attend that Crusade. That night both my parents went forward to yield their lives to Jesus! Eternally grateful, Billy Graham!” —Bronwyn Poulton
“I thank God for Billy Graham and the Melbourne, Australia, Crusades where my aunt and uncle found a loving Saviour. They shared that love with me when I was 14 years old. I follow Jesus because they heard the Good News through Mr. Billy Graham.” —Heather Weda

“In Sydney, Australia, I went with my mom to the ’59 Crusade; she accepted Christ. In 1971 I was led to Christ by a man who himself was led to Christ by one saved at the ’59 Billy Graham Crusade. Our children are all believers, and we are missionaries, reaching people in India and Nepal. I praise God for Billy Graham’s life.” —Geoff J.
“Billy Graham played an important part down under in Australia in the 50s and 60s. My parents became Christians at the 1959 Sydney Crusade, and my sister and I 10 years later at the 1969 Melbourne Crusade.” —Karen Jarvis
“Billy Graham impacted my family through the generations. My father became a Christian at a Billy Graham Crusade in Australia. He raised me and my sisters to know the Lord. Now we teach my children about Christ, and they are believers, too.” —Genevieve Rogers
“The influence of Billy and his ministry on me cannot be overestimated. I first watched the Crusade on TV from Australia in 1959 with my dad. As a family we always watched the Crusades. I listened to The Hour of Decision my whole life, including with my son. I would be hell bound without BGEA.” —Robert Hall
>>Find out more about the Graham Tour across Australia.
>>Find out how to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus.

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