Being a mother isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s hard work. Thankless work. But it’s good work. It’s a responsibility and an opportunity to glorify God.
Here are 5 tips on how to mother God’s way:
1. Love your children. And let them know you love them. They are a responsibility God has entrusted to you and your husband, but they also are a God-given gift to be loved, treasured and enjoyed. One of the ways you love them is by teaching them about life. The Bible says, “My son … do not forsake your mother’s teaching” (Proverbs 6:20).
2. Say “No.” Love your children enough to say “No” when they do wrong. Back it up with appropriate discipline (but not in anger). Be sure you and your husband agree, though; children are very adept at playing off one parent against the other! Always letting a child have his or her own way is easier, and it may seem like the loving thing to do at the time, but in reality it’s a sure recipe for problems later on.
3. Demonstrate faithfulness. Put Jesus Christ at the center of your family and your life by reading the Bible and praying with your children daily. Remember, because of Mary’s motherly care, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Attend church to learn, worship and serve God, and let your children see Christ in your marriage by praying with your spouse. The greatest gift you can give your children is pointing them to Jesus, who loves them and wants to help them become the people He created them to be.
4. Embrace the mission. There’s a reason God gave you these children. He did so because He knew they needed the love and guidance only mothers can give. The Bible says, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him” (Psalm 127:3).
5. Forgive yourself. You are going to blow it. You’re not perfect, and it’s perfectly fine if your kids know that. But handle it the right way. Ask their forgiveness. And ask God to forgive you.
Maybe you feel ill equipped to be a mom right now, or maybe you don’t even have a relationship with Jesus yet. God has given you a responsibility over your children and He can help you navigate your role. But the first step is asking Jesus to be a part of your life. Have you done that?
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